MIta’s Rewritten policy on ‘hateful acts’ That means users will be able to say different kinds of things on that platform, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. After Mark Zuckerberg announced sweeping changes to how content is monitored on the platform, multiple edits were made to the policy.
Among them are:
Certain injunctions against referring to transgender and non-binary people as “it” have been removed. A new section has been added to clarify that “mental illness or abnormality claims are permitted if based on gender or sexual orientation.” It said this was a reflection of “political and religious discourse around transgender and homosexuality, as well as the common use of non-serious terms such as ‘queer'”. Additionally, this policy is aimed at “those who seek exclusion, [using] Derogatory language in the context of discussing political or religious topics, such as when discussing transgender rights, immigration, or homosexuality. ”
Meta’s policy is to target individuals and groups based on their protected characteristics or immigration status with dehumanizing language that users compare to animals, pathogens, and sub-life forms such as cockroaches and locusts. There is no change in the fact that content should not be posted. However, this shift suggests that it is now possible to compare women to household goods and possessions, and to compare people to feces, filth, bacteria, viruses, diseases, and primitive humans.
Mehta removed warnings against avowed racism, homophobia, and Islamophobia. It also removed warnings against expressions of hate, such as calling people “shitholes,” “sluts,” and “bastards.”
The change could also mean posts about the “China virus,” a term frequently used by President-elect Donald Trump in relation to the coronavirus, would be allowed.