Walter Myers/Science Photo Library
Next to the earth, Mars is the most researched world in our solar system, and now there are orbits, Landers and Rover fleets. However, the strange month rises twice a day on the red sand of Robers Trundle. And, despite all the scrutiny of Mars itself, Fobos remains in a mystery this month.
Fobos and the small adjacent month, both of the Deimos, were both discovered in 1877 -the most confused world in the solar system. “At this stage, it is the only object in the solar system and I do not know what they are.” Pascal Lee At California Seti Institute. “We know what other months are. We know asteroids and comets. Fobo and Deimos? I have no idea.”
Mars may have been formed from the same planet or the same planet piled disc as the asteroid. Perhaps they were forged from a burning catastrophe, such as a collision that created the moon of the earth. Or the story of their origin is completely different. “What is it?” Abigail Fremn At the Jet Promotion Research Institute in NASA in California. “I think this is one of the great mysteries of planetary science.”
Now we hope we may eventually solve the puzzle. Doing so will provide more than just satisfactory answers. You can also open a new window on the history of the inner solar system, and may probably refer to the source of building blocks of life on the earth.