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Pink stripes called prominences that appear during a total solar eclipse
Alan Dyer/StockTrek Images/Getty Images
There is no greater experience in life than witnessing a total solar eclipse. For a while, the sky darkens, the air cools, and stars appear during the day. Some people may go through life without ever seeing a solar eclipse, but for eclipse chasers like me, that’s not enough.
The thrill of anticipating the next total solar eclipse comes from the fact that each one is completely unique. They can last from 1 second to more than 7 minutes and occur on different types of terrain and geology, usually at sea.
The total solar eclipse on April 8 will be visible only to those along the 185-kilometer-wide path, and the sun will be completely eclipsed for up to 4 minutes and 26 seconds. Just before, during, and after these magical minutes, those on the path to wholeness should be aware of a variety of phenomena. If the sky is clear, you can expect the following to happen during a total solar eclipse:
sunspot covered by the moon
This is one of those sights that everyone across North America has a chance to see. The sun is currently nearing its most active period in a cycle called solar maximum, which lasts 11 to 17 years. This means that magnetic activity is at its maximum, causing visible sunspots on the sun’s surface. If these dark, cold, magnetically complex regions are large enough, they can be seen through eclipse glasses at any time. Even for those outside the path of totality, it’s an interesting sight to see them gradually covered by the moon during an eclipse.
band of shadow on the ground
For a few minutes to about 30 seconds before the sun is completely eclipsed, only a thin crescent moon appears from the surface of the sun, called the photosphere. When this happens, you may see wavy lines moving quickly across the light-colored surface. “a [bed] A shadow band may appear on sheets or other white surfaces placed on the ground.” frank maloney at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. “These are due to clumps of photosphere light that travel through the atmosphere and essentially ‘flicker’ in roughly parallel bands.” Whether they are visible or not depends on the amount of turbulence in Earth’s atmosphere.

solar eclipse 2024
On April 8th, a total solar eclipse will pass over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Our special series covers everything you need to know, from how and when to see a solar eclipse to the strangest solar eclipse experience of all time.
Darkness, Bailey’s Beads, and the First Diamond Ring
Just before totality, the last 0.1 percent of the sun disappears and light levels plummet. Now come the beads. “For a few seconds before and after totality, the last bits of the Sun can be seen shining through the moon’s irregular surface, so you might be able to see Bailey’s beads,” Maloney says. The final bead sparkles momentarily like a jewel, just as the sun’s corona appears, creating a brief “diamond halo” effect around the moon. It’s safe to view a diamond ring without eclipse glasses, but most observers will still have their eclipse glasses on and will miss it.
solar corona
One of the most amazing sights in nature is here. “During totality, when the sun’s photosphere is eclipsed, other parts of the sun’s atmosphere, the white corona and the pink and purple chromosphere, become visible,” Maloney said. Darkness has arrived and you can safely remove your eclipse glasses and view the corona with the naked eye. As the Sun approaches the most active phase of its cycle, the corona is expected to resemble a spiky star. If you have binoculars, you can see the thin tendrils growing inside the corona.
pinkish-red chromosphere and prominences
Just before the beginning and end of totality, the chromosphere, the lower region of the sun’s atmosphere, can be seen as a pink band that disappears during the eclipse and reappears on the opposite side as the moon crosses the sun. Masu. You may also see prominences, pinkish-red towers, or loops of plasma and magnetic field structures protruding from the corona visible around the moon.
second diamond ring
The most impactful diamond ring effect appears at the end of the whole thing. Small beads of sunlight appear between the moon’s peaks and valleys, then merge into a single bright diamond ring, the appearance of which marks the end of the whole thing. It’s safe to watch for a few seconds, but once sunlight returns, you’ll need to put your eclipse glasses back on if you want to continue seeing the partial phase.
Once the totality is over, the band of shadow may be seen again. Of course, he can put the eclipse glasses back on and watch the sun and sunspots slowly being exposed for at least another hour.