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Weighted blankets can help improve sleep in adults with insomnia and mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, but results are mixed in children, one researcher says. new review paper Published in American Occupational Therapy Journal.

dawson others. We suggest that occupational therapists should consider offering or recommending weighted blankets as a sleep intervention option for all age groups, taking into account individual preferences. Image credit: Martin de Arriba.
“Sleep is a basic human need, and not getting enough sleep can increase or worsen the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and mental health problems, as well as It can cause health problems.” Dr Suzanne Dawson, researcher at Flinders University.
“In occupational therapy, weighted blankets are becoming common among many age groups as an assistive technology, but there are no current clinical guidelines for their use.”
In a review study, Dr. Dawson and fellow authors considered 18 existing studies that investigated the overnight use of weighted blankets.
They found significant evidence supporting the use of weighted blankets to improve sleep in adults.
“Weighted blankets appear to offer a specific, non-drug intervention to improve sleep quality,” says Dr. Dawson.
“Adults who used the blanket reported improved sleep, reduced use of sleeping pills, and even improved mood and pain management.”
Despite strong evidence for use in adults, research on the use of weighted blankets in children is mixed, and there are limits to their ability to improve sleep in children with conditions such as ADHD and autism spectrum disorders.
“However, some parents report positive results with the use of weighted blankets, and some studies have shown that children’s daily functioning improves after using weighted blankets.”
“Parents often reported that when using blankets, their children seemed more relaxed, less anxious, and more focused in their daily lives. This has been shown to improve children’s overall health can have long-term effects,” Dr. Dawson said.
The authors note that for children and adults with cognitive impairments, the blankets used should be easy to remove on their own.
Although the findings indicate that overnight use of weighted blankets is recommended for adults and can be continued for children, the next step is to develop clear clinical guidelines for blanket use.
“This scoping study was conducted to inform change in practice and its findings were used to change state-wide protocols for the use of weighted blankets across South Australia’s public mental health services. I’m very happy about that,” Dr. Dawson said.
“Blankets come in many different types, including those with beads and chains, and those of varying weights, but there are still no standardized recommendations including type, weight, frequency of use, and duration. .”
“More rigorous research is needed to find out how best to use them, but the practical use of weighted blankets requires further research.”
Suzanne Dawson others. 2024. Weighted Blankets as a Sleep Intervention: A Scope Review. American Occupational Therapy Journal 78 (5): 7805205160;doi: 10.5014/ajot.2024.050676