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Shutterstock/Natasha Breen
Humans have been fermenting foods and drinks for at least 13,000 years and touting their health benefits for almost as long. However, even though we have a long history with these foods, we are only just beginning to determine whether these foods are actually beneficial to our health.
But unlike our ancestors, we now know how fermentation works. Microorganisms such as certain yeasts and bacteria break down the sugars in grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products in ways that prevent them from spoiling and create their unique flavors. But what does this mean for our health?
This article is part of a series on nutrition that delves into today’s hottest trends. Click here for details.
Many studies have shown that fermented foods, especially dairy versions, Reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. for example, 2023 survey A study of more than 46,000 adults living in the United States found that eating fermented foods was associated with lower blood pressure, body mass index, and waist circumference.
However, much of the research lumps all types of fermented foods together, and given the health effects of these products, it is likely that people who consume fermented foods are also more likely to take care of their health in other ways. I understand. Both of these factors make it difficult to determine what is actually driving the observed benefits.
benefits of yogurt
However, the most likely case is yogurt. Many large-scale studies have linked its consumption to: Improving immunityimprove bone density and longevity, and reduce the risk of: cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. However, determining cause and effect from these observations…