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alien: Refers to Alien species, which are life forms originating from a distant world, especially in astronomy.
brain waves: Electrical signals produced by the coordinated activity of billions of nerve cells in an animal’s brain. These signals often appear as waves or spikes when graphed.
cell: The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically invisible to the naked eye and composed of a watery fluid surrounded by a membrane. Animals may consist of thousands to trillions of cells, while single-celled organisms include yeast, molds, bacteria, and some algae. Cephalopod: Sea-dwelling animals like squid and octopus.
Eel: A fish with a snake-like body lacking scales, often migrating between freshwater and saltwater during spawning. Note: Electric eel is not a true eel but a type of knifefish.
navigate: The process of finding one’s way through a landscape using visual cues, sensory information, magnetic cues, or other methods.
octopus: (pl. octopi or octopus) A marine mollusk with a soft body and eight arms lined with suction cups. These creatures can grasp and hold objects with their suction cups, have sharp beak-like mouths, and excellent eyesight, closely related to squids.
plume: The movement of some gas or liquid based on gravity, wind, or flow direction. Plumes can be found in air, soil, or water, often resembling large feathers due to their long and thin shape.
predator: (adjective: predatory) An animal that preys on other animals as its main source of food.
sentient: (noun: sensation) An adjective describing the capacity to perceive or feel sensations such as pain, boredom, awe, sadness, etc.
shark: A type of predatory fish that has existed for millions of years, characterized by a cartilaginous body structure. Sharks, along with skates and rays, belong to the elasmobranchs group, reproducing slowly with few offspring and varying birthing methods.
taste: A fundamental sense used by the body to perceive the environment, particularly food, through taste buds located on the tongue and other organs.
tool: An object crafted by humans or animals to serve a specific purpose, such as obtaining food, protection, or grooming.
wave: A disturbance or fluctuation that travels through space or matter, vibrating regularly.