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lots of beans
At the gut level, what happens after a person is full of beans?
This causes bloating. But attempts at mitigation can pose medical risks, explained Iowa State University researchers Donna Winham, Ashley Doina, and Abigail Glick. At a recent conference in Denver, Colorado, they intestinal regulator The supplement increases blood sugar levels after a bean-based meal. ” The particular supplement they tested, alpha-galactosidase, “reduces gas production by breaking down complex carbohydrates into smaller, less fermentable components.” [but it] It can significantly increase blood sugar response even in healthy adults. ” Your fart volume will decrease, but your blood sugar levels will increase.
The idea that eating beans causes farting was tested decades ago. FR Stegerda's remarkable 1968 paper “Gastrointestinal gas after eating food“To establish the theory that bloating is experienced when consuming bean products, a number of experiments were conducted comparing the effects of non-gas-producing basal diets with those of diets containing high concentrations of beans.”
Stegerda added two memorable sentences to the world's scientific literature. “The average amount of gas collected per hour on a gas-free diet was 15 cc, but when 57% of the meal was pork and legumes, the amount of gas collected increased to 176 cc” / hour…Boston Baked It was also observed that the gas-generating capacity of beans was not significantly different from that of pork and beans. ”
A year later, Alan Greenwald, Thomas Allen, and Richard Bancroft of the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine published a study showing how far production from beans to flatus could rise. Their paper “Abdominal gas volume at altitude and ground level” may long be remembered as an original literary contribution for its concise section discussing “increase in volume after ingestion of 0.6 kg of commercially available canned baked beans.” “Subjects in this study consented to retain abdominal gas for as long as possible afterwards,” the paper states.
read more: Farts: Questions you're too embarrassed to ask
Survival of the Whistle
A study called “whistling”A spiritual exploration of the Chinese whistling art” reminds us that “it has the ability to express personal feelings and uplift the mood.” But as authors Su Wang and Qingqing Xiao explain, the custom barely survived the long dark ages of whistling.
They present the following hard facts: “From the Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) to the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234 A.D.), due to the restrictions of feudal Neo-Confucianism…at that time, there were very few people who liked whistling; The development of whistling during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties was difficult to compare with that of the Wei and Jin dynasties, but it also had its own development characteristics.
This research reveals how extraordinary the Wei and Jin dynasties were. “During the Wei and Jin dynasties, the great scholar Nguyen Ji actively learned from his Taoist teacher, the Duke of Xiao, enabling him to make the transition from divine to human, adding artistic masterpieces to the life of the scholar. .”
fruit, now like a fly
Even before scientists discovered that a chemical called DNA transmits genetic information from generation to generation in all known organisms, much of our understanding of genetics came from fruit flies. . Fruits received less attention. Now, things are looking up. Especially melon.
For geneticists, flies had the advantage of being able to reproduce faster than most plants. Data on Drosophila reproduction accumulates faster and in greater quantities than reproductive data on rice and roses. Or melon.
Hari Kesh of India's CCS Haryana Agricultural University and Prashant Kaushik of Spain's Polytechnic University of Valencia describe the metaphorical outcome of this catch-up in their research.Melon (Cucumis melo L.) breeding advances: Latest information”. As they say, “important information about melon genomics and melon metabolomics is advantageous for analyzing inheritance of typical traits.”
In a sense, Kaushik is a perfect example of high productivity, the fruit fly of humans. During his first three months of 2024, he published as author or co-author: At least 7 research studies. A meaningless but worth mentioning comparison between Kaushik's literary production rate and the biological production rate of melons and Drosophila puts him somewhere between plants and insects.
Slogan in memory of the dead
There are few slogans that testify to the good intentions of the people who ran a particular organization. The best are his two from IBM. “THINK” and Google “Don't be a bad person.”
Both have retired. Perhaps each retirement signaled the discovery of loftier ideals. What is more beneficial to humanity or some part of it.
Feedback will enjoy knowing about other inspiring and admirable organizational slogans that have been used instead. If you know, please keep it to yourself without any malice. Instead, please send it (along with your documentation) to
Mark Abrahams hosted the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony and co-founded the magazine Annals of Improbable Research. Previously, he was working on unusual uses of computers.his website is
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