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The newly discovered radio jet is associated with J1601+3102, a highly radioloud kusar that spans an astounding 215,000 light years and exists just 1.2 billion years after the Big Bang. This structure was observed on a low-frequency array (LOFAR), Gemini North Telescope from the Gemini Near-Frared Spectrograph (GNIRS), and the hobby Eberly telescope, and the largest radio jet discovered early in the history of the universe. That's it.
J1601+3102 Radio Jet. Image credits: Lofar/Decals/Desi Legacy Imaging Surveys/lbnl/doe/ctio/noirlab/nsf/aura/F. Sweijen, Durham University/M. Zamani, NSF Noirab.
“We were looking for a quasar with a powerful radio jet in the early universe, which helped us understand how the first jets were formed and how they influenced the evolution of the galaxy. ”
“Determining the properties of a quasar, such as its mass and the speed at which it consumes the problem, is necessary to understand its formation history.”
To measure these parameters, astronomers looked for specific wavelengths emitted by quasars known as the MGII (magnesium) wide emission lines.
This signal is usually displayed in the UV wavelength range. However, due to the expansion of the universe, which causes the light emitted by the quasar to “stretch” to a longer wavelength, the magnesium signal arrives at Earth in the near-infrared wavelength range that can be detected by the Gneal.
J1601+3102 Quasar was formed when the universe was less than 1.2 billion years. It's only 9% of my current age.
Quasars can have billions of times more mass than our Sun, but this is on the small side and weighs 450 million times the mass of the Sun.
The double-sided jets are asymmetric in both brightness and distance extending from the quasar, indicating that extreme environments may be affecting them.
“Interestingly, the quasars that run this large radio jet don't have any extreme black holes mass compared to other quasars,” Dr. Gloudemans said.
“This appears to indicate that generating such a powerful jet in early universes does not necessarily require very large black holes or accretion rates.”
The previous shortage of large radio jets in early space is attributed to noise from the microwave background of the universe. This is a constant fog of microwave radiation remaining from the Big Bang.
This permanent background radiation usually reduces the radio light of such distant objects.
“Because this object is so extreme, it can actually be seen from the Earth, even if it's far away,” Dr. Gloudemans said.
“This object shows us what we can discover by combining the forces of multiple telescopes operating at different wavelengths.”
result It will be displayed in Astrophysics Journal Letter.
Anniek J. Gloudemans et al. 2025. Monster radio jet (>66 kpc) observed in quasars from z~5. apjl 980, L8; doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/AD9609
This article is based on a press release provided by NSF's Noirlab.