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The early crescent phase of the moon following the new moon is well located in the early spring evening sky. From February to March, the spring crescent moon looks very beautiful in the evening glow.
If you have binoculars or a small telescope, there are some things to keep in mind. Known as the clair-obscure effect, or trick of the light, this effect causes recognizable shapes to appear within a jumbled area of ​​moonlight and shadow. Two popular examples are known as Moons X and V. These occur simultaneously at different locations along the moon’s terminator (the line that separates night and day).
We spot them in the daytime sky around 12:40 a.m. on February 17th and again at 2:20 p.m. on March 17th. The effect lasts only a few hours.
Another striking Clair Obscure effect is the Jeweled Handle. This occurs a few days after the waxing moon, when the crooked peaks of the Montes Jura (Jura Mountains) are illuminated at dawn.
Its unique arc appears to extend into the lunar night. This can be seen with just a keen eye, but is best seen with optical aids. The jeweled handle is best observed during daylight hours on February 19 at 3:50 p.m.
If the evening of March 13 is clear, the waxing moon will appear near bright Jupiter. If the skies are clear and you can see it with just your eyes, it’s a spectacular sight.
Speaking of eyes, if you have a small telescope, look at the southern part of the moon in a few days, on March 18th. Just before 8 p.m., the oval exterior of Clavius, the large crater, is mostly dark and shrouded in shadow.
Two exceptions are the raised crater rims that are illuminated within them. These form another perspective effect known as the Eye of Clavius.
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