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adolescent: A person in a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that begins at the onset of adolescence, usually between the ages of 11 and 13, and ends by adulthood.
Concerned: (noun: anxiety) a feeling of fear about some potential or future situation. It's usually a situation that you feel you have little control over.
body image: The impression an individual has about how attractive or comfortable they feel about their body shape, or how it looks in the mirror.
distraction: An event or situation that distracts someone from what was their main focus. Distractions can be external events such as sounds or sights. Or it may be an internal event, such as a thought or feeling.
generation z: Also known as Generation Z or Zoomers, this is a colloquial term for anyone born after 1997. The previous group consisting of everyone born between 1981 and 1996 was known as Millennials.
internet: Electronic communication network. It allows computers around the world to link to other networks to find information, download files, and share data (including images).
mental health: A term that describes someone's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It refers to how people conduct themselves and interact with others. This includes how people make choices, cope with stress, and manage fear and anxiety. Poor mental health can be caused by an illness or simply reflect a short-term reaction to life's challenges. It can occur at any age, from babies to the elderly.
online: (noun) on the Internet. (adjective) A term used to describe something that can be found or accessed on the Internet.
psychologist: A scientist or mental health professional who studies the mind, especially as it relates to behavior and behavior. Some people work collaboratively with other people. Others conduct experiments on animals (usually rodents) to test how the mind responds to different stimuli and conditions.
Social media: A digital medium that allows people to connect and share information with each other (often anonymously). Examples include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp.
surgeon general: A physician who is the principal spokesperson for public health within the U.S. government. This person also serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health (within the Department of Health and Human Services) as the Principal Deputy for Medical Affairs.
investigation: To observe, investigate, measure, or evaluate something, we often look at large aspects of the land or landscape. (with people) Asking questions that gather data about the opinions, habits (such as eating and sleeping habits), knowledge, and skills of a wide range of people. Researchers choose the number and types of people to ask questions. This is with the expectation that the answers these people give will be representative of other people of the same age, belonging to the same ethnic group, or living in the same area. (n.) A list of questions posed to collect these data.