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3D: Short for three-dimensional. This term is an adjective that describes something with characteristics in three dimensions: height, width, and length.
cell: (biology) The smallest unit of an organism, made of watery fluid surrounded by a membrane or wall. Cells are usually too small to see without a microscope and organisms can be composed of thousands to trillions of cells, depending on their size.
Chromosomes: Single, spiral-shaped pieces of DNA found in the nucleus of a cell. Chromosomes are usually X-shaped and contain genes and other DNA segments that serve various functions.
DNA: (short for deoxyribonucleic acid) A long, double-stranded molecule that carries genetic instructions in living cells, telling them which molecules to make.
environment: The sum of everything around an organism, including weather, ecosystem, and conditions that impact it.
Extinct: Describes a species that no longer exists.
Field: Area of study or the real-world environment in which research takes place.
freeze dry: A process used to preserve foods, medicines, and other products by converting them directly from a solid to a gas.
function: The specific role a structure or piece of equipment plays.
gene: Part of DNA that contains instructions for making proteins and influences how an organism looks and behaves.
genetically: Relating to chromosomes, DNA, and genes, with genetics being the field of science that studies these biological instructions.
Glass: A hard, transparent substance made from silica, used by diatoms to build shells.
microscope: Instrument used to observe small objects like bacteria or cells.
molecule: Group of atoms that represent the smallest amount of a chemical compound.
Nuclear: A dense structure in cells containing genetic information.
fellow: To investigate and learn more about something.
permafrost: Soil that remains frozen for at least two years, common in polar climates.
leftovers: Remnants from an earlier part of something.
Resilient: The ability to recover from difficulties quickly.
Roadkill: Animals killed in road accidents.
Siberia: A region in North Asia known for harsh winters.
skull: Skeleton of a human or animal head.
Organization: Different types of material made up of cells that form organisms like animals, plants, and fungi.
Characteristic: An inherited quality or trait.
Mammoth: Extinct species resembling a hairy elephant.