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Until recently, scientists studying the earliest moments of human development relied on embryos donated by people undergoing in vitro fertilization, but in most countries, including the UK and the US, this It should be discarded after a day. But in 2023, a team from the University of Cambridge created the first complete stem cell-based human embryo model.
Stem embryos, as they are known, can be studied for long periods of time and are expected to improve IVF success rates as well as provide new insights into the developmental state and causes of early miscarriages. . However, consideration of the ethical issues inherent in this work has not kept up. That’s why in July the UK published its first guidelines for the production and use of stem buds in research, including proposing the creation of a committee to oversee all stem bud research.
We are all full of viruses and that is a blessing. The average human carries 380 trillion viruses, collectively known as the virome. But while some viruses make us feel unwell, scientists are now discovering that the large number of viruses living in our bodies can have far-reaching and serious effects on our overall health. I understand.
Viruses are an important part of the microbiome as we know it, the vast population of microorganisms that nest in and on our bodies. Scientists believe that the virome…