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artificial intelligence: A form of knowledge-based decision-making exhibited by a machine or computer. It also refers to a field of study where scientists aim to develop machines and computer software capable of intelligent behavior.
average: Refers to the arithmetic mean in science. It is calculated by dividing the sum of a group of numbers by the size of the group.
bias: A tendency to favor a particular point of view or preference towards something, a group of things, or a choice of things. Scientists often conduct “blind” tests on subjects to prevent their biases from influencing the results.
chatbot: A computer program designed to simulate conversation with a human user. The latest ones (Siri, Alexa, Ocelot, Sprinklr, etc.) can gather information about news events and educational topics from the Internet. Some function as digital assistants for stores, pharmacies, and banks, providing answers to questions about purchases, products, and schedules.
colleague: An individual who collaborates with others. colleagues and team members.
Explanation: An opinion piece in science written to provide perspective, often accompanying another’s paper explaining new research results.
computational: An adjective describing any process reliant on computer analysis.
dialect: A language or form of communication specific to a particular place or social group.
economist: Individuals working in the field of economics, studying how a society’s resources relate to its production or achievements. Economists analyze goods, earnings, and costs (e.g., pollution or disease) on various scales, from a village to a nation or global workforce.
Generation AI: A class of artificial intelligence models utilizing deep learning and neural networks to produce text, images, audio, computer code, or video in response to user requests.
insight: The ability to deeply understand a situation through thought alone, rather than experimentation.
model: A simulation (often computer-based) of a real-world event used to predict outcomes. Also, an individual used to demonstrate how something operates or appears to another person.
prejudice: Negative judgments against individuals due to their membership in a specific group (e.g., race, religion, ethnicity). Prejudice against race is racism, against gender (typically women) is sexism, and against the elderly is ageism.
Prestige: Recognition or esteem given to something, such as a good, achievement, person, job, event, or opportunity, based on its perceived value, quality, or importance in society.
psychologist: A scientist or mental health professional specializing in the study of the mind’s behavior and function. Some collaborate with others, while others conduct experiments on animals (usually rodents) to study responses to different stimuli.
racism: A form of prejudice or discrimination resulting from viewing individuals of another race as less intelligent, capable, or valuable. It is based on attitudes and beliefs, not facts.
society: A cohesive group of people or animals that cooperate and support each other for mutual benefit.
subtle: Describes something significant but challenging to observe or articulate. For example, early cellular changes indicating cancer development may be subtle, small, and difficult to distinguish from healthy tissue.
system: A network of interconnected parts working together to perform a function. For instance, the circulatory system comprises blood, blood vessels, and the heart. Systems can also refer to processes or ideas organized to complete a task in a methodical sequence of steps.
tool: An object created or utilized by humans or animals to achieve a specific purpose, such as obtaining food, self-defense, or grooming.
treasure trove: A collection of valuable items.
Tweet: Short messages of 280 characters or less, accessible to users with an online account on X (formerly Twitter). The character limit was previously 140 before November 2017.