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This amazing new image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is one of the best ever of a galaxy combination called MCG+05-31-045.
This Hubble image shows MCG+05-31-045, a pair of interacting galaxies located approximately 390 million light-years apart in the constellation Coma. Image credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble/RJ Foley, University of California, Santa Cruz.
MCG+05-31-045 It is located approximately 390 million light-years away in the constellation of Coma.
This galaxy pair, also known as IC 3935, AGC 221216, or LEDA 44438, is part of the Coma cluster.
“The Coma cluster is a particularly rich galaxy cluster, containing more than 1,000 known galaxies,” Hubble astronomers said in a statement.
“Some are easily visible with amateur telescopes.”
“Most of them are elliptical galaxies, which are typical of dense galaxy clusters like the Milky Way Cluster. Many elliptical galaxies are created when galaxies come close to each other and collide, stirring them up or They are formed when groups are torn apart.
“Stars in interacting galaxies can stay together, but gas in galaxies is a different story. Gas is twisted and compressed by gravity and is quickly used up to form new stars.” Masu.”
“When hot, massive blue stars die, there is little gas left to replace them with a new generation of young stars.”
“In the case of interacting spiral galaxies, the regular orbits that give rise to their impressive spiral arms are also disrupted.”
“Whether it’s a merger or a simple near-miss, the result is a galaxy with little gas and aging stars orbiting in uncoordinated circles – elliptical galaxies.”
“A similar fate is very likely to befall MCG+05-31-045,” the astronomers said.
“When small spiral galaxies are torn apart and merged into larger galaxies, many new stars are formed, and the hot, blue stars quickly burn out, leaving colder, redder stars like other stars in a coma. is left behind in the elliptical galaxy.” “
“But this process will take millions of years to complete. Until then, Queen Berenice II will suffer from knots in her hair.”