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Astronomer: A scientist who works in the field of research that deals with astronomical, space, and the physical universe.
astronomy: A scientific field that focuses on astronomical bodies, space, and the physical universe. Individuals who work in this field are known as astronomers.
Note: The phenomenon of focusing mental resources on specific objects or events.
Black hole: An area of space with a very intense gravitational field, from which nothing, not even light, can escape.
bug: Slang for insects, and sometimes used to refer to germs. In computing, it refers to instructions or operations on code.
colleague: An individual who works with another person. Co-workers or team members.
universe: Adjective referring to the universe, cosmos, and everything within it.
data: The facts and/or statistics gathered for analysis, not always organized in a way that makes them meaningful. In the case of digital information stored on a computer, data is typically stored in binary code represented as a series of zeros and ones.
evolution: The gradual change or development over a long period of time. In living organisms, evolution usually involves random changes in genes that are then passed down to offspring, potentially leading to new traits or characteristics. Non-living things can also evolve over time – for example, computers evolving into smaller and more complex devices.
Field: A research area, as in “Her research field is biology.” It can also refer to the physical environment where studies are conducted, such as oceans, forests, or streets. Additionally, a field can be a space where specific physical effects like magnetism, gravity, mass, or electricity operate.
generation: A group of individuals born around the same time or considered a single group. Your parents belong to one generation, while your grandparents belong to another. The term can also apply to annual classes of other animals or types of inanimate objects.
Astronomical platform: Buildings or structures that house one or more telescopes for astronomical observation. It can also refer to a system with a structure that forms a complex telescope.
Outsider: A person who is open about their gender identity and sexual orientation with others.
quasar: Short for quasi-stellar radio source. These are bright cores found in some galaxies, containing supermassive black holes. As matter falls into the black hole, massive energy is released, producing the quasar’s light.
Queer: A term that was once derogatory, now used positively by some LGBTQ individuals to describe those who are not straight, cisgender, or fit traditional gender norms.
Role model: Someone whose skills, behavior, or personality serve as an ideal to inspire and model for others.
Star: Fundamental building blocks of galaxies, generated when gravity compresses gas clouds. When stars become hot enough, they emit light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. The sun is our nearest star.
telescope: A device used to magnify and view distant objects using lenses or a combination of curved mirrors and lenses. Some telescopes collect radio emissions through an antenna array.