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Acidic: A word to describe a substance that contains acid. Acidic substances can dissolve certain minerals, like carbonate, and prevent their formation.
North Pole: The area located in the Arctic Circle. The North Pole is the northernmost point where the sun is visible during the northern winter solstice, and the southernmost point where the midnight sun can be seen during the northern summer solstice. It consists of one-third of the northern hemisphere and is predominantly covered in snow throughout the year.
average: A mathematical term referring to the sum of a group of numbers divided by the total number of values in the group.
shaft: In mathematics, a line on the side or bottom of a graph that is labeled to indicate the meaning and units of measurements on the graph.
cell: The smallest structural and functional unit of living organisms. Cells are typically too small to be seen without a microscope and are composed of watery fluids surrounded by a membrane or wall. Most animals are made up of thousands of cells, while some organisms like yeast, mold, bacteria, and certain algae are composed of a single cell.
Chemicals: Substances formed by the bonding of two or more atoms at fixed ratios and structures. For example, water is a chemical compound formed when two hydrogen atoms bond with one oxygen atom, represented by the chemical formula H2O. Chemicals can also refer to the characteristics of materials resulting from various reactions between different compounds.
compost: The final product of decomposed leaves, plant matter, food scraps, and other organic materials. Compost is used to enrich soil in gardens, and earthworms play a role in this decomposition process.
Compound: A substance formed when two or more chemical elements bond together at fixed ratios. For example, water is a compound made of two hydrogen atoms bonding with one oxygen atom, represented by the chemical symbol H2O.
control: (N.) A standardized part of an experiment that remains unchanged to compare with other experimental conditions. It is important for scientific experiments to have a control group to determine the effects of variables manipulated by researchers. (V.) To compare results from parts of the experiment that have not been altered with those that have been changed, to analyze the effects of the manipulation.
development: In biology, the process of growth and changes in organisms from infancy to adulthood, often involving physical, chemical, and sometimes morphological transformations.
edible: Refers to things that are safe to eat.
environment: The combination of all factors surrounding living organisms and processes, creating a particular state. The environment can refer to the weather conditions, ecosystems inhabited by animals, or the temperature and humidity in certain locations.
enzyme: A molecule produced by living organisms to accelerate chemical reactions.
fruit: The reproductive organ of a plant, containing seeds.
function: A specific role performed by structures or devices.
Horizon: The apparent line or plane where the sky meets the ground when viewed from a distance.
Hindrance: To delay or prevent something from happening, serving as an obstacle to movement or action.
liquid: A substance that flows freely but maintains a constant volume, like water and oil.
marker: A substance that indicates the presence of certain diseases, pollutants, or events, often used as a diagnostic tool in medicine or science.
machine: Refers to mechanical devices like tools, engines, and other equipment, or something set in motion by the physical movement of another object.
melanin: A group of pigments found in various animals responsible for dark colors in skin, hair, fur, and scales.
Oxidation: (ADJ. Oxidative) A chemical process involving the loss of electrons from one molecule to another. The molecule losing electrons is said to be “oxidized,” while the molecule gaining electrons is referred to as the “reducing agent.” Oxidation reactions involve the transfer of electrons and can be destructive in living cells. This process often involves oxygen atoms but not exclusively.
oxygen: A gas that makes up about 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere and is essential for the growth and metabolism of animals and many microorganisms.
Pigment: A substance that either absorbs or reflects light when it strikes an object, determining its color. Pigments reflect specific wavelengths of light, giving objects their distinct hues. Pigments are also used as coloring agents in various products like paints.
Ranking: The ordering of objects or individuals based on specific criteria or values, creating a hierarchy.
salt: A compound formed by the reaction between an acid and a base, resulting in the generation of water. Sea salt, found in oceans, is composed of various salts, while common table salt is made of sodium and chlorine.
statistics: The practice or science of collecting and analyzing large amounts of numerical data to interpret their significance, often accounting for errors caused by random variations. Professionals working in this field are referred to as statisticians.
taste: One of the fundamental senses used by the body to perceive the environment, especially food, through receptors like taste buds on the tongue and other organs.
vertical: Refers to lines or planes oriented in a direction perpendicular to the ground, like the vertical post of a streetlight. It contrasts with horizontal lines, which run parallel to the ground.