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Computer Model: A program run on a computer that creates a model or simulation of a real function, phenomenon, or event.
core: Something – usually round shape – in the center of the object. (Geology) The innermost layer of the Earth. Or a sample like a long tube delved into ice, soil, or rock. The core allows scientists to examine sediments, dissolved chemicals, rocks and fossil layers to see how the environment at one location has changed over hundreds to thousands of years or more.
The crust: (in geology) is made of the outermost surface of the Earth, usually densely packed solid rocks (in planetary science).
debris: Scattered pieces, usually trash or destroyed. For example, space debris contains the remains of abolished satellites and spacecraft.
Dwarf Planet: One of the small celestial bodies in the solar system. Like a true planet, it orbits the Sun. However, the Dwarf Planet is too small to qualify as a true planet. Key examples of these objects: Pltune and Celes.
Gas giant: It is a giant planet made mainly of helium and hydrogen, and is gas on Earth. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants.
Earth Science:One of many sciences related to deepening your understanding of the Earth, such as geology or atmospheric science. People who work in this field are known as geoscientists.
Kuiper Belt: Areas of the solar system that go beyond Neptune’s orbit. It is a vast area containing leftovers from the formation of the solar system and continues orbiting the Sun. Many objects in the Kuiper Belt are made of ice, rock, frozen methane and ammonia. The best known of the larger Kuiper Belt objects is the dwarf planet Plput. The belt extends from the sun at a distance of 30-55 astronomical units. (Astronomic units are equivalent to Earth’s from the Sun.)
Mantle: (in geology) Thick layer of Earth beneath the outer crust. The mantle is semi-solid and is generally divided into upper and lower mantles.
mass: A number that shows how fast and slows down an object – essentially a measure of the problem that the object is being created for.
Model: Simulation of actual events (usually using a computer) developed to predict one or more outcomes. Or an individual intended to show how something works or see to others.
Melt: A word that describes melted things, such as the liquid rock that makes up lava.
month: Natural satellites of all planets.
Orbit: The curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a galaxy, star, planet, or moon. One complete circuit around the celestial body.
planet: A large celestial object that orbits a star but unlike a star, it does not produce visible light.
Pluto: A distant world located in the Kuiper Belt, beyond Neptune. Known as the dwarf planet, Plput is the ninth largest object orbiting our Sun.
Protoplanet: An integrated object that could turn into a planet one day – but only if its mass is large it will put the star into orbit, and eventually clean other debris from its path between orbits.
satellite: A moon orbiting planets or vehicles or other manufactured objects in space orbiting celestial bodies, orbiting planets or vehicles or other manufactured objects.
simulation: (v. Simulated) Analysis, some conditions, functions, or appearance of a physical system created using a computer. Computer programs do this using mathematical operations that can explain the system and how it changes over time, or how it changes depending on various expected circumstances.
Solar System: The eight major planets and their moons in orbit around our Sun, along with small bodies in the shape of dwarf planets, asteroids, metstones and comets.