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A physicist in charge of CERN’s large -scale Hadronco Rider has tested whether top queks follow Albert Einstein’s special theory.
Installation of CMS beam pipe. Image credit: CERN / CMS collaboration.
In addition to quantum mechanics, Albert Einstein’s special relativity is functioning as the basis of the standard model of particle physics.
In that mind, there is a concept called Lorentz symmetry. The experimental results do not depend on the direction or speed of the experiment in which they were taken.
Special relativity has endured the trials of time. However, some theories, including specific models in string rationale, predict that very high energy does not work with special relativity and experimental observation depends on the direction of space -time experiments.
Lorentz’s remnants of the symmetry destruction can be observed with low -energy, such as the energy of a large hoodron co -rider (LHC), but has not been found on LHC or other colliders despite previous efforts.
In a new study, CMS physicists have searched for Lorentz symmetry on LHC using the top quark pair, the most known basic particles.
“In this case, relying on the direction of the experiment means that the speed at which the top quark pair is generated by the LHC collision in the LHC is different over time,” they said.
“To be more accurate, the average direction of the top quark generated in the center of the LHC proton beam and the center of the CMS experiment also changes because the earth rotates around the axis.”
“As a result, and if there is a priority in space -time, the production rate of the highest pair varies by era.”
“Therefore, finding a deviation from a certain speed will discover the direction of space -time priority.”
The new results of the team based on the LHC’s second execution data consistent with a certain speed. In other words, Lorentz’s symmetry is not broken, and Einstein’s special relativity remains effective.
Researchers have used results to limit the size of the parameters that are predicted to be null when symmetry is maintained.
The obtained restrictions have improved up to 100 times with the previous search results, which were destroyed by Lorentz symmetry in the previous Tevatron accelerator.
“The results will open a way to search for the future in which Lorentz symmetry will be destroyed based on the top quark data from the third run of LHC,” said scientists.
“Open the door to scrutinization of processes including other heavy particles that can only be investigated on LHC, such as Higgs Boson, W and Z Bosons.”
study Published in the October 2024 issue of the journal Physics B.
CMS collaboration. 2024. Use the Dilepton Event in the 13 TEV Proton Proton collision to search for Lorentz invaluity in the production of top quark pairs. Physics B 857: 138979; DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138979