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amino acid: A simple molecule found naturally in plant and animal tissues, serving as a fundamental building block of proteins.
B12: Also known as cobalamin, this vitamin plays a crucial role in the proper development and functioning of blood cells and various tissues, including the brain and nerves.
Chemical reactions: Processes involving molecular rearrangement or changes in the structure of matter, rather than changes in physical form (e.g., from solid to gas).
Chemistry: A scientific field focusing on the composition, structure, properties of matter, and their interactions. Scientists utilize this knowledge to analyze unfamiliar substances, produce large quantities of useful substances, and create new beneficial substances.
Creatine: A nitrogen-based compound naturally synthesized by skeletal animals, aiding in supplying energy to cells, particularly muscles.
crops: Specific plants intentionally cultivated by farmers in agriculture, such as corn, coffee, and tomatoes, or plants harvested and sold by farmers.
Cysteine: An amino acid contributing to the production of proteins and supporting metabolic activities in organisms. Cysteine is a component of beta keratin, the primary protein in hair, skin, and nails, and can act as an antioxidant in chemistry.
diet: Food and liquids consumed by animals to provide necessary nutrients for growth and maintenance of health, sometimes following a specific intake plan.
engineer: Individuals utilizing science and mathematics to solve problems, designing devices, materials, or processes to address unmet needs.
environment: The surroundings of living organisms, encompassing the weather, ecosystem, temperature, humidity, and placement of objects near the subject of interest.
enzyme: Molecules created by organisms to speed up chemical reactions.
Fatigue: The feeling of tiredness, lack of rest, or low energy.
fruit: Reproductive organs containing seeds within plants.
gene(adj. genetic): DNA segments encoding instructions for cellular protein production, inherited from parents, influencing an organism’s appearance and behavior.
Genetic: Pertaining to chromosomes, DNA, and genes within DNA, with genetics being the science field focused on biological instructions and geneticists working within this domain.
Microorganisms: Very small organisms like bacteria, fungi, and amoeba, composed of a single cell and invisible to the naked eye.
logic: Tissue facilitating movement by contracting muscle fibers rich in protein, important for prey species seeking protein-rich prey.
Nutrients: Essential vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, or proteins required by plants, animals, or organisms for survival.
photosynthesis: The process by which green plants and organisms use sunlight to produce food from carbon dioxide and water.
protein: Compounds consisting of long chains of amino acids, crucial for living things as building blocks of cells, tissues, and various functions within the body, with examples like antibodies, hemoglobin, and enzymes.
salt: A compound formed by combining an acid with a base, generating water as a byproduct.
tobacco: Plants cultivated for their leaves, commonly used in cigars, cigarettes, and pipes.
Vegan: Individuals abstaining from animal and dairy products, including items made from animals like leather, wool, and silk.
vegetarian: Individuals not consuming meat (e.g., beef, pork, poultry), with some including milk, cheese, and eggs or only eating fish, obtaining most of their calories from plant-based foods.
vitamin: Essential chemicals required in small amounts in the diet, as they are not produced by the body in sufficient quantities to support health and normal growth. Vitamins must be obtained from external sources.