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artificial intelligence: A type of knowledge-based decision-making demonstrated by a machine or computer. The term also refers to a field of research in which scientists seek to create machines and computer software capable of intelligent behavior.
audio: It's about sound.
complement: To match or fit in with something else in order to complete something.
computer science: A scientific study of the principles and uses of computers. Scientists who work in this field are known as computer scientists.
scam: to cheat; or the consequences of cheating. Or to make a mistake and purposely hide that mistake.
frequency: The number of times some periodic phenomenon occurs within a specified time interval. (in physics) the number of wavelengths that occur in a particular time interval.
online: (noun) on the internet. (adjective) A term used to describe something that can be found or accessed on the Internet.
PhD: (also known as doctoral degree) A type of advanced degree awarded by a university for work that creates new knowledge, usually after 5 to 6 years of study. A student is only eligible to begin this type of graduate study after first completing a university degree (usually a program that requires her four years of study).
Social media: A digital medium that allows people to connect and share information with each other (often anonymously). Examples include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp.
society: Generally, an integrated group of people or animals who cooperate and support each other for the greater good of the whole.
sound waves: Waves that transmit sound. Sound waves have alternating bands of high and low pressure.
system: A network of parts that work together to accomplish some function. For example, blood, blood vessels, and the heart are the main components of the human body's circulatory system. Similarly, trains, platforms, tracks, road signals, and elevated tracks are among the potential components of a country's railway system. Systems can also apply to processes and ideas that are part of a method or ordered sequence of steps for completing a task.
tone: (in acoustics) the pitch of a sound, especially a musical note.
tool: An object made or obtained by humans or other animals that they use to accomplish some purpose, such as accessing food, defending themselves, or grooming themselves.
wave: A disturbance or fluctuation that travels through space or matter while vibrating regularly.