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Biologist: Scientists engaged in biological research.
Catapult: A device used to propel something into the air or make it fly.
Ecologist: A scientist who works in the field of biology, studying the relationships between living organisms and their environment.
Evolutionary Biologist: A researcher who studies the processes that have contributed to the variety of life on Earth, including microbiology, genetics, species adaptation, and the fossil record.
Evolutionary Ecologist: A scientist who studies the processes that have led to the diversity of ecosystems on Earth, including microbiology, genetics, species adaptation, and ancient species communities.
Mechanism: The steps or processes by which something operates or occurs.
Naturalist: Biologists who conduct field work to study wildlife interactions in local ecosystems.
Honey: A sweet liquid produced by plants, promoting pollination and collected by bees to make honey.
Organ: Different parts of an organism that perform specific functions.
Particle: A small trace amount of something.
Pollen: A powdery particle from a flower’s male part that can fertilize the female tissue and produce seeds.
Pollinator: A substance that carries pollen from a plant’s male reproductive cell to the female part of a flower for fertilization.
Reproductive Organs: Organs in a living creature’s body that allow for the production and transportation of eggs and sperm.
Reward: A stimulus provided to an animal or person to reinforce behavior or learning.
Skull: The bone structure of a human or animal head.