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Saturn, a gas giant, is known for its iconic ring system. But its B ring may have spots or streaks of denser or brighter material known as spokes, which may be related to the dust’s interaction with the planet’s magnetic field. A new image of Saturn taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope on October 22, 2023 reveals the spokes of its rings.
This Hubble image shows Saturn, its bright white rings, and its three moons: Mimas, Dione, and Enceladus. Features on the left and right spokes of the ring appear as faint gray smudges against the ring’s bright background, approximately halfway from the planet to the ring’s outer edge. Image credit: NASA / ESA / Hubble / STScI / Amy Simon, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Saturn’s spokes (so named because they resemble bicycle spokes) are temporary features that rotate with the rings.
Their ghostly appearance only lasts for two or three revolutions around the giant planet.
During the active period, newly formed spokes continually add to the pattern.
ring spokes first photographed by NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1981.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft also discovered Spoke during its 13-year mission that ended in 2017.
Hubble continues to observe Saturn every year as its spokes come and go. This cycle is captured by Hubble’s Outer Planet Atmospheric Legacy (OPAL) program, which was launched nearly a decade ago to annually monitor weather changes on all four gas giants.
Hubble’s clear images show that the frequency of the spokes’ appearance is seasonal, and they appeared in the OPAL data for the first time in 2021, but only on the morning side of the ring.
Long-term monitoring has shown that both the number and contrast of spokes change with Saturn’s seasons.
“We’re heading towards the Saturn equinox, when the spoke activity is expected to be at its peak, and we’re going to have a lot of activity in the coming months,” said Dr. Amy Simon, an astronomer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and chief scientist at the space flight center. “Over the years we will see higher frequencies and darker spokes.” opal program.
“This year, these ephemeral structures will appear on both sides of the Earth simultaneously, rotating around the giant world.”
“Although it appears small compared to Saturn, its length and width could extend beyond the diameter of Earth.”
“The leading theory is that the spokes are connected to Saturn’s strong magnetic field, and that the sun has some kind of interaction with that field that creates the spokes.”
“As we approach Saturn’s vernal equinox, Saturn and its rings tilt less away from the Sun.”
“In this configuration, the solar wind could hit Saturn’s massive magnetic field even harder, promoting spoke formation.”
“Planetary scientists believe that the electrostatic forces generated by this interaction cause the dust and ice to float above the ring, forming the spokes, but even after decades, no theory has been able to fully predict the formation of the spokes. I won’t.”
“Continuing Hubble observations may ultimately help solve the mystery.”