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Biology: Research on living things. Scientists studying them are known as biologists.
bird: A warm blood animal with wings that first appeared in the dinosaur era. Birds are put in a jacket with wings and produce young products from eggs deposited in a certain nest. Most birds fly, but throughout the history, there were some species that were not so.
Recognition: Terms related to mental activities such as thinking, learning, learning, and solving puzzles.
colleague: A person who works with another person. Colleagues or team members.
forest: Mainly covered with wood and other wooden plants.
information: The facts or trends provided (in contrast to the data) learned about something or someone as a result of studying data.
Neurology: A person who studies the structure or function of the nerve system of the nerve system.
range: Some complete range or distribution. For example, the scope of plants and animals is an area that exists naturally.
scanner: A machine that runs a series of images by executing some light (including everything from X -rays to infrared energy) on a person or object. When a computer summarizes these images, you can provide some movies and provide three -dimensional views through the target. Such systems are often used to look inside the human or solid object without violating the surface.
Sense of sympathy: The state of the brain where a person connects the sensory experience as a character or number, and the symbol that is not related to it.
system: The network of the parts that works together works to achieve some functions. For example, blood, blood vessels, and heart are the main components of the human body system. Similarly, trains, platforms, trucks, road signals, and elevated are one of the potential components of national railway systems. The system can also be applied to processes or ideas that are part of the method of executing the task or part of a series of steps in order.
Unique: Something different from others. The only one of that kind.