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2-D: Stands for 2D, describing something in a flat world with only width and length dimensions.
3-D: Abbreviation for 3D, representing objects in three-dimensional space with height, width, and length dimensions.
4-D: Refers to the ability to define something using four dimensions: height, width, depth, and time.
degree: A unit of measurement for angles, with one degree being a 360th of a circle’s circumference.
size: Descriptive features of objects that can be measured, such as length, width, and time.
latitude: Distance from the equator, measured in degrees up to 90, with low latitudes near the equator and high latitudes near the poles.
longitude: Distance from an imaginary line stretching from the North Pole to the Antarctic via Greenwich, England, measured in angles.
New Zealand: An island nation located about 1,500 kilometers east of Australia, consisting of the North and South Islands and smaller offshore islands.
parallel: Describes two things that are aligned with the same distance between parts, such as parallel lines or similar events or processes.
Physics: Scientific study of matter and energy properties, with classical and quantum physics being two main branches.
plane: A flat, two-dimensional surface extending infinitely in length and width but without depth.
point: The smallest unit in space with a specific location.
Relativity Theory: Theories by physicist Albert Einstein showing that space and time are influenced by velocity and mass.
science fiction: Genre of fiction exploring speculative advancements based on science and engineering in the future.
Sea surface: The average level of oceans globally, considering tides and short-term fluctuations.
square: A rectangle with equal sides in geometry.
theory: Explanation of natural phenomena based on observations and testing in science.
universe: Everything existing throughout space and time, expanding since the Big Bang event around 13.8 billion years ago.
Wormhole: A theoretical passage through space-time allowing travel between distant locations. Einstein’s theory of relativity predicts their existence.