Error: unable to get links from server. Please make sure that your site supports either file_get_contents() or the cURL library.
Algorithm: A group of rules or steps used to solve a problem in a sequence of steps. Algorithms are utilized in mathematics and computer programs to find solutions.
Artificial Intelligence: The form of knowledge-based decision-making demonstrated by a machine or computer. It also refers to fields of research where scientists aim to develop machines or computer software capable of intelligent actions.
Bias: A tendency to hold a specific perspective or preference that favors something, a group, or a choice. Scientists are often “blinded” to the details of the experiment (they are not informed of what it involves).
Computer Programs: A set of instructions that a computer uses to carry out an analysis or calculations. The process of writing these instructions is known as computer programming.
Data: Facts and/or statistics gathered together for analysis that may not be organized in a way that provides meaning. For digital information (types stored by computers), this data is typically numbers stored in binary codes represented as strings of zeros.
Information: Facts or trends provided (as opposed to data) that are often learned about something or someone by studying the data.
Intelligence: The ability to gather and apply knowledge and skills.
Big Language Model: (In computing) Language models are a type of machine learning that aim to predict future words (text or speech) and present those predictions using words that most people can understand. Large language models are trained using vast amounts of data and organize and understand that data using “neural nets”, which are patterned after the nerve pathways of the human brain (and were awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics for their development). Large language models not only learn words but also phrases consisting of multiple words. They can even learn new phrases and ideas based on context (meaning words that accompany those phrases or are incorporated into them).
Model: A simulation of real events (often created using a computer) developed to predict one or more outcomes. Or an object designed to demonstrate how something works or appears to others.
Online:(n.) On the Internet. (adj.) Referring to something found or accessible on the Internet.
Social Media: Digital platforms that enable people to connect with each other (often anonymously) and share information. Examples include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and WhatsApp.
System: A network of components that work together to achieve a particular function. For example, blood, blood vessels, and heart are the key components of the human body’s circulation. Similarly, trains, platforms, tracks, signals, and bridges are potential components of a country’s railway system. The term “system” can also refer to processes or ideas that form a method for carrying out a task or an ordered set of steps.
Tool: An object created or acquired and used by a person or animal to reach, defend, or accomplish a purpose such as grooming, reaching, or obtaining food.
Confirm: (n. Verification) To prove or confirm in some way that a certain claim or doubt is true.