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Bekiss (noun, “Bikuieaishun”)
Beaking is a technique that parrots use to navigate along thin branches. Scientists Recently discovered In an experiment with a parrot called a lovebird,Agapornis roseicorisThese birds live in the dry forests of southwestern Africa.
To perform a bearkite, the parrot first hangs from a branch by both legs. The parrot then stretches out its neck and grabs a spot on the branch next to its legs with its beak. The parrot then swings its legs to the other side of its beak and grabs the branch in a new location. The parrot repeats this movement, moving sideways down the branch.
The newly discovered movement resembles a movement seen in primates known as “wagging gait,” in which they use their arms to swing between tree branches.
Further research is needed to know whether other parrots also use their beaks and to what extent they use this technique in the wild. Using their beaks may enable parrots to navigate forests that are too dense for flight. This technique highlights the variety of tasks that birds can use their beaks to perform. How Intelligent Are Parrots?.
In the text
In addition to using their beaks, parrots also perform a variety of other clever behaviors.
See the complete listScientists say.