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ancestor: Predecessor. It could be a family ancestor such as a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent. Or it could be a species, genus, family, or other order of organisms that evolved later. For example, ancient dinosaurs are the ancestors of today's birds. (Antonym: descendant)
aquatic: An adjective that describes water.
arctic: Area included in the Arctic Circle. The edges of that circle are defined as the northernmost point where the sun is visible on the northern winter solstice and the southernmost point where the midnight sun is visible on the northern summer solstice. The Arctic Highlands are the northernmost third of the region. The area is covered in snow for most of the year.
biologist: Scientists involved in biological research.
camouflage: To hide people or objects from enemies by making them appear part of the natural environment. Animals may also use camouflage patterns on their skin, hides, and fur to hide from predators.
cell: (in biology) the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism. They are usually too small to be seen with the naked eye and consist of a watery fluid surrounded by a membrane or wall. Depending on their size, animals are made up of thousands to trillions of cells.
climate change: Significant long-term changes in Earth's climate. It can occur naturally or in response to human activities such as burning fossil fuels or deforestation.
Maintenance: The act of preserving or protecting something. The focus of this work ranges from fine art to endangered species and other aspects of the natural environment.
DNA: (abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid) A long, double-stranded, helical molecule that is present in most living cells and carries genetic instructions. It is built on a skeleton of phosphorus, oxygen, and carbon atoms. In all living things, from plants and animals to microorganisms, these instructions tell cells which molecules to make.
environmental dna: Also known as eDNA. It is the genetic material left in the environment by an organism. Scientists are often able to detect the presence of invisible species based solely on this leaked DNA.
gene: (adjective: genetic) A segment of DNA that encodes or holds instructions for the production of proteins by a cell. Offspring inherit genes from their parents. Genes influence how an organism looks and behaves.
genetically: It has to do with chromosomes, DNA, and the genes contained in DNA. The scientific field that deals with these biological instructions is known as genetics. The people who work in this field are geneticists.
host: (in biology and medicine) an organism (or environment) in which something else exists. Humans can serve as temporary hosts for foodborne pathogens and other infectious agents. (v.) The act of providing a home or environment for something. For example, a website can host photos, news, and other types of information.
mammalian: A warm-blooded animal distinguished by having hair or fur, by the fact that females secrete milk to nurse their young, and (usually) by giving birth to live young.
mitochondria: (Sing. Mitochondria) Structures within all cells (except bacteria and archaea) that break down nutrients and convert them into a form of energy known as ATP.
mitochondrial dna: DNA is mostly passed on to offspring by female parents. This DNA, housed in mitochondria, is double-stranded but circular. It is also very small and has only a small fraction of the genes contained in the main package of DNA, the material found in the nucleus of cells.
nuclear: The plural is nuclear. (in biology) a dense structure present in many cells. The nucleus, which is usually a single round structure enclosed within a membrane, contains genetic information.
population: (in biology) a group of individuals (of the same species) living in a particular area.
residue: Debris or material that remains after something has been removed. For example, paint residue may remain after attempting to sand wood. Alternatively, sticky residue from the adhesive tape may remain on the skin after the bandage is removed. Or, chemical residue can remain in the blood after exposure to pollutants.
Ocean: Ocean (or area that is part of the ocean). Unlike lakes and streams, sea water, or ocean water, is salty.
sex: The biological state of an animal in relation to reproductive function, usually male or female. There are many indicators of biological sex, including sex chromosomes, gonads, internal reproductive organs, and external reproductive organs. It is also a term used to describe a mating system between male and female animals in which each parent organism provides genes to potential offspring, usually through fertilization of egg cells by sperm cells.
seed: A group of similar organisms that can survive and produce offspring that can reproduce.
stress: (in psychology) a mental, physical, emotional, or behavioral response to an event or situation (stressor) that disrupts a person's or animal's normal state or places additional demands on the person or animal. . Psychological stress can be both positive and negative.
organization: Made up of cells, the various types of substances that make up animals, plants, and fungi. Cells within tissues function as units to perform specific functions in living organisms. For example, different organs in the human body are often made from many different types of tissue.
Individual: Something different from others. The only one of its kind.