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arachnids: A group of invertebrates that includes spiders, scorpions, mites, and mites. Many have silk glands and venom glands.
biologist: Scientists involved in biological research.
chemicals: A substance formed when two or more atoms combine (combine) in a certain ratio and structure. For example, water is a chemical produced when two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom. Its chemical formula is H2O. Chemistry can also be used as an adjective to describe the properties of materials that result from various reactions between different compounds.
chemical signal: A message made up of molecules that is sent from one place to another. Bacteria and some animals use these signals to communicate.
glare: Also called direct glare, is the light that reaches the human eye directly from the light source. Night vision decreases. Direct glare is one of the three types of light pollution.
navigate: Finding your way through a landscape using visual cues, sensory information (such as scent), magnetic information (such as a built-in compass), or other techniques.
seed: A group of similar organisms that can survive and produce offspring that can reproduce.
Spider: a type of arthropod with four pairs of legs that usually spins silk and uses it to create nests and other structures.
surface tension: A surface film of a liquid formed by strong bonds between molecules in the surface layer.
wave: A disturbance or fluctuation that travels through space or matter while vibrating regularly.
zoology: Study of animals and their habitats. Scientists who work on this research are known as zoologists.