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brain waves: electrical signals produced by the coordinated activity of billions of neurons in an animal’s brain. When charted, signals usually look wavy or spiky
curriculum: (plural: curricula) Official classroom materials (often reading material) used to guide students through a course of study on a particular topic.
frequency: The number of times some periodic phenomenon occurs within a specified time interval. (in physics) the number of wavelengths that occur in a particular time interval.
Basic: something fundamental or the basis of another thing or idea.
generation: A group of individuals (of any species) born at approximately the same time or considered to be a single group. For example, your parents belong to one generation of your family, and your grandparents belong to another. Similarly, you and everyone on earth within a few years of your age are said to belong to a particular generation of humanity.
guinea pig: Rodent (caviar porcellas) are often kept as pets or used in research. Colloquial: A person or other animal used as an experimental subject.
information: (as opposed to data) A fact provided or a learned trend about something or someone, often as a result of the study of data.
Link: A connection between two people or things.
neuroscientist: A person who studies the structure and function of the brain and other parts of the nervous system.
psychology: (adjective: psychology) The study of the human mind, especially as it relates to behavior and behavior. For this purpose, some people conduct research using animals. Scientists and mental health professionals working in this field are referred to as: psychologist.
sensor: A device that captures and stores or broadcasts information about physical or chemical conditions such as temperature, pressure, salinity, humidity, pH, light intensity, and radiation. Scientists and engineers often rely on sensors to tell them about conditions that can change over time or that exist far from where researchers can directly measure them.
strategy: A thoughtful and clever plan for achieving a difficult or challenging goal.
technology: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry, or the devices, processes, and systems resulting from such efforts.
Individual: Something different from others. The only one of its kind.