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Biologists are University of Surrey They investigated interspecific variation in particulate matter accumulation, washout, and retention in 10 broad-leaved plants, focusing on leaf characteristics.
thomson other. We found that the interaction between macromorphology and micromorphology in green-walled plant species determines their particulate matter removal ability.Image credit: Thomson other. 2024., doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170950.
Green wall is a vertical system that has received particular attention because it can be installed without occupying additional space at street level.
They also offer other benefits, such as reduced dependence on existing soil conditions and additional ecosystem services.
Green wall is a term that includes walls covered with all forms of vegetation.
Green facades and living walls are two types of green walls, where green facades usually include climbing plants, whereas living walls include planting materials and plants to support a more diverse variety of plants. Includes technology.
The reduction of air pollutants by green walls depends on several factors such as plant type, barrier dimensions, leaf area index, humidity, wind speed, and orientation of the location.
“By planting vertically against green walls, communities can purify the air without taking up too much street space,” said Mamatha Thomson, a postgraduate researcher at the University of Surrey.
“Our study suggests that this process depends not only on leaf shape but also on the micromorphological properties of the leaf surface.”
“We believe that the right mix of species creates the most effective green walls. We look forward to conducting further research to see if we are right. .”
In this study, Thomson et al. planted 10 species: Evergreen Candy Tuft (Iberis sempervirens), Ivy (hedera helix) And that Wild marjoram (Ornamental pill beetle)in a custom-built 1.4 meter green wall.
The leaves of the evergreens candytuft and ivy were found to be particularly good at trapping pollutant particles, both large and small.
Meanwhile, rain was able to wash most of the pollutants from the lavender's hairy leaves.
Candytuft and marjoram also performed well in washing away small pollution particles.
“We hope that urban planners and infrastructure experts can use our findings to think more carefully about what they plant,” said Prashant Kumar, a professor at the University of Surrey.
“Having a green wall is a great way to remove pollution, but what you plant on top of it can make a big difference to its success.”
of result It was published in the magazine Total environmental science.
Mamatha Thomson other. 2024. Investigating the interplay between particulate matter scavenging, scavenging, and leaf properties in green-walled species. Total environmental science 921: 170950; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170950