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algorithm: A set of rules or procedures for solving a problem in a series of steps. Algorithms are used in mathematics and computer programs to find solutions.
average: Term (in science) for arithmetic mean. The sum of a number group divided by the size of the group.
action: the way something, often a person or other living thing, acts towards others or acts itself.
data: Facts and/or statistics collected together for analysis. They are not necessarily organized in a way that gives them meaning. For digital information (the type stored by computers), these data are typically numbers stored in binary code and represented as strings of 0's and 1's.
diurnal: an adjective that describes some activity that takes place during the day or some living thing that is active during the day.
ecologist: A scientist who works in the field of biology, which deals with the relationships between living things and their physical environment.
endangered species: an adjective used to describe a species at risk of extinction.
family: A taxonomic group consisting of organisms from at least one genus.
hypothesis: (v. hypothesis) A proposed explanation for a phenomenon. In science, a hypothesis is an idea that must be rigorously tested before it can be accepted or rejected.
journal: (in science) a publication in which scientists share their research results with experts (and sometimes the public). Some journals publish papers in all areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, while others specialize in a single subject. Peer-reviewed journals are the most important criterion. All submitted papers are sent to external experts for reading and critique. The goal here is to prevent the publication of mistakes, fraud, or works that are not novel or convincingly demonstrated.
lemur: A general term for many primate species that tend to have cat-like bodies and usually long tails. They evolved in Africa in the distant past and later migrated to the modern island of Madagascar before this island was separated from Africa's east coast. Currently, all wild lemurs (approximately 33 species) live only on the island of Madagascar.
limbs: (in physiology) an arm or leg.
machine learning: A method in computer science that allows computers to learn from examples and experience. Machine learning is the basis of several forms of artificial intelligence (AI). For example, a machine learning system might compare her X-rays of a cancer patient's lung tissue and compare whether and how long the patient survived after receiving a certain treatment. In the future, its AI systems may be able to examine new patients' lung scans to predict how well they will respond to treatment.
mammalian: A warm-blooded animal distinguished by having hair or fur, by the fact that females secrete milk to nurse their young, and (usually) by giving birth to live young.
marsupial: A type of mammal that raises its young in an outer pouch for a certain period of time after birth. There, the developing baby has access to the mother's nipples and milk. Most of these species evolved in Australia and have particularly long hind legs. Examples of marsupials include kangaroos, possums, and koalas.
Nocturnality: An adjective that describes something that takes place, happens, or is active at night.
predator: (adjective: predatory) A creature that preys on other animals for most or all of its food.
sensor: A device that captures and stores or broadcasts information about physical or chemical conditions such as temperature, pressure, salinity, humidity, pH, light intensity, and radiation. Scientists and engineers often rely on sensors to tell them about conditions that can change over time or that exist far from where researchers can directly measure them.
seed: A group of similar organisms that can survive and produce offspring that can reproduce.
zoology: Study of animals and their habitats. Scientists who work on this research are known as zoologists.