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Aerospace: A field of research that focuses on studying the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space, as well as aircraft that operate in these environments.
Toshi Ility: Skills and abilities that enable quick movement and adaptation. This term can apply to various areas such as problem-solving, project management, and physical exercise.
Alloy: A mixture of metals where individual elements are completely blended at a microscopic level, containing one or more metal or non-metal elements.
Astronaut: An individual trained to travel to space for research and exploration purposes.
Battery: A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
Blow: Refers to materials that whales expel through their blowholes, which may include air, mucus, bacteria, and seawater.
Casing: A protective structure surrounding delicate components of a device, such as mobile phones, providing them with protection.
Cerebral palsy: A group of conditions that affect movement due to brain damage during pregnancy, birth, or early childhood.
Component: A part or element of something, such as a piece of a machine or a recipe for cookies.
Electricity: The flow of charge resulting from the movement of charged particles.
Engineer: A person who uses science and mathematics to solve problems and design solutions.
Exoskeleton: The hard outer body covering of animals without true skeletons, like insects and crustaceans.
Fabric: A flexible material that can be woven, compressed, dried, or fused together.
Force: An external influence that can cause changes in motion or exert pressure on objects.
Gigawatt: A unit of electrical power equal to one billion watts.
Gravity: The force that attracts objects with mass towards each other.
Inertia: The tendency of an object to resist changes in motion.
Iron: A metallic element found in the Earth’s minerals and core.
Laser: A device that generates a powerful beam of coherent light, used in various applications such as cutting and surgery.
Lift: The upward force acting on an object, allowing it to rise in the air.
Lithium: A light and reactive metal used in batteries and ceramics.
Machine learning: A computer science technique that allows computers to learn from data and experience.
Manufacturing: The process of creating large-scale items or products.
Metal: A material that conducts electricity well and can be shaped without breaking under heat or pressure.
Model: A representation or simulation of real events or processes, often used for prediction or demonstration purposes.
Moon: A natural satellite orbiting a planet.
Motor: A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical motion.
Muscle: Tissue in the body responsible for generating movement through contraction.
Polymer: A substance made up of repeated chains of atoms, used in materials such as plastics and rubber.
Prototype: The initial model or design of a device or product that is still in development.
Robot: A machine capable of sensing its environment, processing information, and taking specific actions.
Technology: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, leading to the development of devices and systems.
Tool: An object used by humans or animals to perform specific tasks or achieve goals.
Variety: In agriculture, a distinct subspecies of plants with desirable traits, often created through intentional breeding.
Wireless: Describing the ability of a device to send and receive data without the need for physical connections, often used in reference to mobile phone networks.