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Nuke Image Circle, 2024
James Stanford
The kaleidoscopic pattern of this artwork turns to its shining center. But despite its dreamy hypnotic effect, the film has its roots in the horrifying reality of a nuclear bomb.
Its creator, artist James Stanford, grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, where over 200 ground nuclear tests were carried out in the 1950s and 1960s. His new interpretation photo series, atomderived from both his childhood nuclear landscape and his time as a technical illustrator for the US Atomic Energy Commission.
The main image is Nuke Image Circle, 2024. Below is Stanford shown side by side Specter Nuclear Fracture.

James Stanford is shown next to Spector's fission
Nephology Ltd 2025
” atom The series, I was trying to show both the atomic bomb sight and the horror,” he says. New book, Atomic Children21 of these works are combined, and four functions are Atomic Museum in Las Vegas.
Mushroom clouds from bomb tests “enhanced the amazing sunsets and purple mountains of the Mohab Desert,” Stanford wrote in the book. Three times, the Atomic Test broke the window of his house when he was a child.

Nuclear colour
James Stanford
The image above is from Stanford Nuclear Color, 2024.