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Neuroscientist David Levitin explores how music can help us heal in new book
Natalie Foss
Most of us already know that music can have a profound effect on the mind and body. Think about the feeling of empowerment when you put on your headphones and go for a run, the nostalgia of hearing your favorite songs from your childhood, or the joy of singing in the car. Music moves us both literally and figuratively. It not only makes us dance, laugh and relax, but it also makes us happy when we are sad and sad when we are happy.
But what if there is more to it than that? What if music actually has the power to heal us? In his new book I heard there’s a secret code: music as medicine, neuroscientist Daniel Levitin explains why he believes it’s possible.
The idea that music is medicine is not new. There is evidence that shamans and healers from cultures around the world have used music, especially drumming, to heal people for thousands of years.
However, it is only in recent decades that science has provided a rationale for music as a healing mechanism, demonstrating that music has a direct and measurable effect on our nervous systems.
Advances in neuroimaging technology, combined with more rigorous experiments based on music theory, cognitive psychology, and physiology, are showing that music could help treat everything from Parkinson’s disease to Alzheimer’s disease to depression. Levitin spoke with new scientist to learn about these health benefits and how music can add to your medical toolkit.
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