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The history of science is filled with moments of discovery, those “Eureka” moments when a theory is proven or a breakthrough is achieved. The latest image competition at Great Ormond Street Hospital, titled ‘A Moment of Discovery’, celebrates these breakthroughs.
Staff from Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (GOSH) and its partners have submitted images capturing significant milestones in research. The public voted on the three most popular images shortlisted by a panel of experts via social media.
The shortlisted images range from colorful micrographs to cartoon illustrations, offering a glimpse into the research conducted at GOSH. It is hoped that this research will lead to new treatments for rare and complex conditions, transforming the lives of children and young people with serious illnesses.
The winning image, taken by PhD student Giada Benedetti at the Zayed Pediatric Rare Disease Research Center (ZCR), shows exploding intestinal organoids revealing their inner workings.
Organoids are small three-dimensional tissue cultures derived from stem cells that can mimic different organs like the heart and liver in the human body.
In honor of Rare Disease Day on February 29, all winning and shortlisted images will be displayed at an event at the Zayed Pediatric Rare Disease Research Center.
Selected as a finalist – my lungs are on fire
Shortlist – Active Glial Cells

Finalist – Light of Life
