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atlantic ocean: One of the world’s five oceans and second in size after the Pacific Ocean. It separates Europe and Africa to the east and North and South America to the west.
atmosphere: An envelope of gas surrounding the Earth, another planet, or the Moon.
caribbean: The name of the ocean that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to Mexico and the Central American countries in the west, from the southern coasts of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico to the northern coasts of Venezuela and Brazil. The term is also used to refer to the cultures of countries that share borders or are located on islands in the ocean.
climate: In general, weather conditions that normally exist in an area or over a long period of time.
climate change: Significant long-term changes in Earth’s climate. It can occur naturally or in response to human activities such as burning fossil fuels or deforestation.
colleague: A person who works with other people. colleagues and team members.
the current: A fluid such as water or air that moves in a discernible direction. (in electricity) the flow of electricity or amount of charge that moves through some substance over a specified period of time.
Cyclone: Powerful rotating vortex. Usually made of wind. Notable examples include tornadoes and hurricanes.
El Niño: The period of warming of surface water near the equator in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean will become longer. Scientists declare an El Niño when water temperatures rise at least 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.72 degrees Fahrenheit) above average for five or more consecutive months. El Niño can cause heavy rain and flooding on the west coast of South America. Meanwhile, Australia and Southeast Asia may face higher risks of drought and bushfires. In North America, scientists have linked the arrival of El Niño to extreme weather events such as ice storms, droughts and landslides.
eye: (in atmospheric science) a roughly circular region of relatively weak winds surrounding the center of an intense tropical cyclone. The eye is completely or partially surrounded by an eyewall cloud.
federal government: Of or relating to the national government of a country (but not a state or local government within that country). For example, the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health are both agencies of the U.S. federal government.
global warming: A gradual increase in the temperature of the entire Earth’s atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect. This effect is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other gases in the air, many of which are emitted by human activities.
host: (v.) The act of providing a home or environment for something. For example, a website can host photos, news, and other types of information.
hurricane: A tropical cyclone that forms in the Atlantic Ocean and has winds of 119 kilometers (74 miles) or more. When a storm like this occurs in the Pacific Ocean, people call it a typhoon.
Link: A connection between two people or things.
model: A simulation (usually using a computer) of a real-world event developed to predict one or more possible outcomes. Or an individual whose purpose is to show how something works or looks to another person.
moisture: A trace amount of water that exists in the air as vapor. It can also exist as a liquid, such as water droplets condensing on the inside of a window or moisture present on clothing or soil.
Pacific: The largest of the world’s five oceans. It separates Asia and Australia to the west and North and South America to the east.
Ocean: Ocean (or area that is part of the ocean). Unlike lakes and streams, sea water, or ocean water, is salty.
system: A network of parts that work together to accomplish some function. For example, blood, blood vessels, and the heart are the main components of the human body’s circulatory system. Similarly, trains, platforms, tracks, road signals, and elevated tracks are among the potential components of a country’s railway system. Systems can also apply to processes and ideas that are part of a method or ordered sequence of steps for completing a task.
Tropical cyclone: A strong rotating storm. These usually occur in tropical regions near the equator, where water temperatures are warm. Tropical cyclones are associated with strong winds exceeding 119 kilometers (74 miles) per hour and usually bring heavy rain. Large ones in the Atlantic Ocean are known as hurricanes. Typhoons in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons.
twitter: An online social network that allows users to post messages of up to 280 characters. (Until November 2017, the limit was his 140 characters.)
vertical: A term used to describe the direction of lines or planes that extend up and down, such as the vertical poles of street lamps. This is the opposite of a horizontal line running parallel to the ground.
weather: The state of the atmosphere at a local location and at a particular time. It is usually described in terms of specific characteristics such as barometric pressure, humidity, humidity, precipitation (rain, snow, ice), temperature, and wind speed. Weather constitutes a real situation that occurs anytime and anywhere. This is different from climate, which describes the conditions that tend to occur in a general area during a particular month or season.
wind shear: Change in wind direction or change in wind speed due to height.