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Action: A way in which something, often a person or other organism, acts towards another person or in itself.
Biologist: Scientists involved in the study of biological organisms.
data: The facts and/or statistics collected together for analysis, not necessarily organized in a way that gives them meaning. For digital information (types stored by computers), these data are typically numbers stored in binary codes represented as strings of zeros.
environment: The sum of all that exists around some living organisms and processes, and the state they create. Environment can refer to the weather and ecosystem in which some animals live, or perhaps the temperature and humidity (or placing objects near the item of interest).
Cat: an adjective for cat (wild or domestic) or anything related to its behavior.
gauge: A device for measuring the size or volume of something. For example, Tide Gauges track constantly changing coastal water levels throughout the day. Or a system or event that can be used to estimate the size or magnitude of something else. (v. Measuring) The act of measuring or estimating the size of something.
liquid: A material that flows freely but maintains a constant volume, such as water or oil.
strategy: Thoughtful and clever planning to achieve difficult or challenging goals.