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Do you own a precious and adorable cat? If so, your feline friend may be obstructing your view of this page and causing havoc once again, particularly if you are browsing on a laptop.
But why do cats have this tendency? What drives them to interfere with our computers?
Unfortunately, there have not been any extensive scientific studies to explore this question yet. However, cat behavior experts have a relevant theory that could shed light on why cats love to sit on keyboards.
Why does my cat sit on my laptop?
It’s unlikely that your cat wants to mimic your typing or join in with your computer activities. Recent research suggests that cats are capable of imitating human actions, such as touching objects with specific body parts. However, typing is a behavior that cats struggle to replicate, as explained by Dr. David Sands, an Animal Psychology Expert with over 25 years of experience.
While laptops do emit heat which may attract cats, the main draw for felines is the smell of their owners on the keyboard. Cats have a strong sense of smell and enjoy leaving their scent on objects to show ownership. This behavior is more about claiming territory and marking their humans rather than seeking warmth or copying human actions.
In summary, it’s not harmful for your cat to sit on your laptop physically, but if the behavior becomes excessive or is accompanied by other signs of anxiety or attention-seeking, it may be worth monitoring.
About our Expert, Dr. David Sands
Dr. David Sands holds a PhD in Ethology (Animal Psychology) and boasts more than 25 years of experience in animal behavior clinics. He is affiliated with the Canine and Cat Behavioural Association (CFBA) and the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) and has authored several books, including 500 Questions About Cats Answered.