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name: Auramax.
Year: The word “aura” comes from Latin and Ancient Greek and originally meant a gentle breeze. Today it’s more commonly used to describe the subtle, pervasive quality that emanates from someone, which is exactly what we’re talking about here.
And Auramax? It’s new. It’s similar to looksmaxxing, but…
Hold on, what is looksmaxxing? For example, exercising or making cat noises will help you maximize your physical attractiveness…
Are you meowing like a cat? In practice, this means pushing the tongue up in the mouth to improve the jaw and facial structure.
What happens if I get tetanus? It’s a shame, but it’s worth it. Anyway, Auramax is the same kind of idea, but aimed at improving your energy and overall presence.
And where is this aura?Is amaxxing happening? Mainly TikTok, However, other platforms are available.
What should I do? You could also learn from 18-year-old Canadian content creator, Frankie Mekhi. Share your aura upgrade It has 250,000 followers.
It 250,001. Frankie’s number one rule is “Don’t try to emulate someone else’s aura. It has to come from within, it has to be authentic.”
[Takes notes: writes “within” and “authentic”] Second rule: No barking.
Don’t bark? Don’t talk too much!
[Zips mouth closed] Next, you need to find your purpose.
[Trying to talk with mouth closed] it is In capital letters? That’s correct. Also, people with auras have achieved great things in some way.
Hmm, that might be difficult. Maybe your aura score has dropped too quickly. Aura scores are interesting because they actually happen on TikTok, where users are giving and taking away aura points from other users.
How does scoring work? Well, doing something impressive like having other friends with auras might give you points, or it might cost you points…
Bark? Possibly, but Susanna Merrick says there is no such thing as a premium aura level.
Who is Susanna Merrick?? A New York-based aura stylist. “People don’t need to know who they are.” she told The Cut. “They need to discover who they are.”
I would like to know, is Auramax mainly for men? Mekhi said his audience is primarily young men, but The Cut reported that young women are also joining the conversation about Auramax, but in a different way.
What’s the difference? Instead of trying to exude presence, ask how many aura points you might lose because of how you acted during a difficult experience. Bullying or sorrow.
please tell me: “Or you can just be yourself and not worry about how much of a person you are or how other people perceive you.”
Do not say: “You either get it or you don’t. And if you try too hard to get it, you definitely won’t get it, brother.”