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Britain is being warned by its cybersecurity chief about the seriousness of online threats from hostile states and criminal organizations. Richard Horne, director of the GCHQ National Cyber Security Center, highlighted a threefold increase in “serious” incidents due to Russia’s “aggression and recklessness” and China’s “highly sophisticated” digital operations.
In his recent speech, Mr. Horne emphasized the growing hostile activity in UK cyberspace, driven by adversaries aiming to cause disruption and destruction. He mentioned Russia’s aggressiveness and recklessness and China’s continued sophistication as cyber attackers.
Despite the increasing risks, Horne expressed concern that the severity of the threats facing the UK has been underestimated. This serves as a wake-up call for businesses and public sector organizations.
The NCSC reported a significant increase in serious cyber incidents over the past year, with 430 incidents requiring assistance compared to 371 in the previous year. Horne stressed the need to enhance protection and resilience against cyber threats across critical infrastructure, supply chains, and the economy.
The NCSC’s investigation does not differentiate between nation-state attacks and criminal incidents, but ransomware attacks remain a significant concern in the UK. Recent incidents targeting high-profile organizations like the British Library and Synnovis highlight the reliance on technology and the potential human cost of cyberattacks.
With various cyber threats emanating from Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, the NCSC is urging organizations to ramp up their cybersecurity measures and stay vigilant. The warning signals the need for a collective effort to safeguard against cyber dangers.
Alan Woodward, a cybersecurity expert, reiterated the importance of staying alert to cyber threats. The government’s warning serves as a reminder for both public and private sectors to prioritize cybersecurity measures.