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My daughter used my credit card to book a 5-month stay using Airbnb after taking an internship in Toronto. After the host accepted the booking, she received an email saying the entire stay had increased by £4,000 for her (plus 39% for her).
In a panic, she canceled because she couldn’t afford to pay the extra fee. Airbnb took it. There is a £1,962 handling fee plus £682 cleaning fee and tax. Her daughter canceled immediately, so it is unlikely that your reservation will be lost.
Airbnb endlessly cites its terms of service. I asked the host to give me the money back, but he said he wouldn’t give it back. Feels as if it helped this guy perpetuate something. Seems like a scam.
on mail
I’m surprised Airbnb didn’t resolve this issue in your favor before I got involved. You were asked to pay an additional 39% after booking – seriously? Fortunately, the company has now refunded you the full amount.
I was told that I should have declined the host’s request for additional fees. In that case, it was up to the host to decide whether to proceed at the original rate or cancel.
You wonder who at the company came up with the terms and conditions that allow for such a request, but all’s well that ends well. I hope your daughter enjoys Toronto.
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