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A photo of a smartphone with a red line is displayed as a warning on the window of a beauty salon in a French village, after a law was passed to ban scrolling on a mobile phone in public. “Everyone is struggling with too much screen time,” said Rudivin, a cardiovascular nurse with her hair cut into a bob and her cellphone hidden out of sight in her bag. “I voted yes. This might be the solution.”
Seine-Port, a city of fewer than 2,000 people in the Seine-et-Marne region south of Paris, voted yes in a referendum last weekend. Limit the use of smartphones in public places, for adults and children alike, while walking down the street, sitting on park benches with others, and eating in shops, cafes, and restaurants. Forbid parents from scrolling on their smartphones while waiting for their children in front of the car. school gate. People who might check their phone’s maps when lost are encouraged to ask for directions instead.
Seine-Port Mayor Vincent Paul Petit, who pushed for the ban. Photo: Magali Delporte/The Guardian
The village also approved a family charter regarding children’s screen use. Don’t use screens of any kind in the morning, don’t use screens in the bedroom, and don’t use screens before bed or while eating. If a teenager’s parents sign a written agreement not to have a smartphone until the age of 15, City Hall will provide the child with an old-fashioned handset for making calls.
“I’m completely in favor of this,” said Ludivine, 34, who has two children, ages 1 and 4. “Some say this is an attack on freedom, but I don’t think so. It’s about raising awareness about the influence of phones in our lives.
“My 1-year-old doesn’t have a screen. My 4-year-old son doesn’t use a screen during class, and only for fleeting moments while my youngest naps. Many children and adults become addicted to screens. Babies in strollers also have scrolling phone calls. This is to replace that with more human contact. Before I had kids, the TV was always on in the background. Now I never turn it on.”
A total of 277 people, or about 20% of the electoral roll, turned out to vote, with 54% voting in favor of the charter. Mayor Vincent-Paul Petit, a member of the right-wing République party, plans to draw up France’s first municipal ordinance regarding the use of smartphones. The law is not enforceable by police, and there is no national law against smartphones, so police officers could not stop or fine people scrolling on the street, but the mayor said it would stop scrolling. The government explains that the guidance is intended to incite people to do so and restrict the use of telephones. Shop owners have placed stickers on their windows gently reminding people to stop scrolling.
Children walk past a sign prohibiting the use of smartphones outside a village school. Photo: Magali Delporte/The Guardian
At Village Bar, restaurant manager Angelique da Silva said she wouldn’t ask customers to stop scrolling, but she understood the purpose. “This is an interesting idea for kids,” she said. “But the younger generation does not accept this, because if their mobile phone is taken away, they will have nothing left. I did.”
Smartphones and screen time are becoming increasingly political issues in France. President Emmanuel Macron said last month that he would consult scientific experts to “determine the optimal use of screens” for young children, suggesting there could be bans or restrictions.
Angelique da Silva of the restaurant “Terrace” in the Port of Seine. Photo: Magali Delporte/The Guardian
“We want to protect public spaces from smartphone intrusion,” Mayor Paul Petit said. “This does not mean banning all mobile phones, but rather suggesting that people refrain from taking out their smartphones to scroll through social media, play games or watch videos in public places. and that is what we want to maintain for social life.
“This is about the addictive element of smartphones, where we can no longer take our eyes off the screen, whether it’s a game or a social network. We encourage people not to serve people. If you’re talking on the phone, finish your conversation outside and then come in and say hello.”
A sign outside the village school. Photo: Magali Delporte/The Guardian
He added: “Almost every teenager walking down the street has a cell phone in their hand. I understand that the word ‘ban’ may be offending to some people.” . But the important thing is to start the discussion. ”
Noemi, a psychologist waiting for her 8-year-old daughter outside a village school, was in favor of limiting scrolling. She said: “Recently, I brought in books and dolls for her daughter to play with in the waiting room, and everyone congratulated me that her daughter wasn’t on screen.”
Mary Landosy and her son Tao.
Mary Landosy, a school support worker for children with disabilities and the mother of 10-year-old twins, did not vote. “Screens are a part of this generation’s lives, whether we like it or not,” she said. “At the end of the day, if you spend your kids doing fun activities, especially outdoors, they actually don’t want to be on screens. My daughter is a soccer player and she likes being outside. What matters is what alternative activities we can offer.”
Young people in the village complained that there were not enough facilities for teenagers, who had little entertainment other than cellphones. The mayor promised to establish a film club, book exchange and sports facilities.
“There’s not much else to do. If we ban phones, we’ll have to create a serious structure for youth leisure, sports and games,” said Nahuel Dessilon, a history student and teacher intern. (21) says. Her mother Fatiha, a former shop manager, said: “Parents have a responsibility and they can deal with the screen issue themselves.”
Jean-Luc Rodier (right) supports the ban, but his son Gabriel thinks it makes no sense. Photo: Magali Delporte/The Guardian
Her son Gabriel, 20, also a postal worker, objected. “I spend five hours a day on my phone, which I think is reasonable. I also read proper books, but I like looking up things on my phone when I’m around town. You can’t ban knowledge that is readily available.”