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Eckhart Slavik/Science Photo Library This week, we’re looking for two important constellations that are prominent in skies around the world during February. Both are named after…

Tropical rainforests are crucial to the planet’s health as they absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide and release oxygen. These forests are characterized by a dense…

A new moon may not be all that remarkable (literally) astronomically speaking, but it does mark the beginning of a new lunar cycle. And this month,…

Fish often travel in schools. Their mesmerizing actions look choreographed and rehearsed as these schools bend and break at the perfect time. However, in reality, there…

Cribularia slime mold trio Barry Webb/IGPOTY Proving that stunning, otherworldly nature is never far away, these images have been selected as finalists in this year’s International…

The Spektr-RG spacecraft carries the eROSITA X-ray telescope DLR (CC-BY 3.0) The most extensive X-ray survey of the night sky reveals some of the most extreme…