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Coriolis effect (noun, “Kor-ee-OHL-iss Eh-FEKT”) The Coriolis effect causes airborne objects moving over the Earth to travel along curved paths rather than straight lines. This primarily…

The concept of time Understanding time can be challenging, as Einstein demonstrated time’s relativity and how it can be experienced differently based on an object’s speed.…

discovery of Tyrannosaurus macraiensissister species of the famous one tyrannosaurus rexsuggests that tyrannosaurid dinosaurs originated from Laramidia, an island continent that existed between 100 million and…

Comet 67P Cave/Churyumov Gerasimenko CNES/ESA/Rosetta/MPS/OSIRIS/Guillaume Faury and others We discovered a cave on a comet for the first time. Caverns identified in comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, also known…