Browsing: Science

An international team of ornithologists has described a mysterious new species of bird genus. Marine Life From Chile. Andean Storm Petrel (Oceanites BarocciImages/Photos Courtesy of: Norambuena…

Farmers rely on ammonia to fertilize their crops. Patty Calfee/Getty Images The environmentally friendly technology uses multi-chamber chemical reactors to turn wastewater into ammonia and harmless…

A strong earthquake hit Southern California on Monday afternoon, causing shaking in a wide area of Los Angeles and its surroundings.The quake, initially reported as a…

fractal (noun, “FRAK-tal”) Fractals are geometric shapes made up of repeated parts on increasingly smaller scales. Consider a fern leaf. If you look closely, each leaf…

Bill Kotsatos/Polaris/Ivine Some people see mathematics as cold, rigid logic, quite different from creative pursuits. In fact, mathematics has a lot to do with creativity. Mathematician…

This summer, there has been an alarming increase in heatstroke deaths worldwide. According to a recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, extreme heat…

The annual Perseid meteor shower will peak between Sunday night and dawn on Monday, giving skywatchers around the world the chance to enjoy one of the…

This summer, there has been an alarming increase in heatstroke-related deaths worldwide. According to a recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, extreme heat…

Paleontologists have described a new genus and species of metriorhynchid crocodyloform from the Stadthagen Formation in northwestern Germany. Artist image Enarioetes schroederi. Image credit: Joschua Knüppe.…