Browsing: Science
Artist’s thoughts CarinodensScientists suspect the remains of a mosasaur may have been processed and classified as a new species henry sharp The remains of a strange…
play your cards right As readers in the Northern Hemisphere face long, dark nights and cold weather for many weeks to come, what could be better…
Will abstaining from alcohol affect your social life? Ian Dagnall/Alamy With so many holidays, many of us opted for a dry January. One reader said she…
New ways to understand and treat depression are urgently neededFotografiaBasica/Getty Images chemically unbalancedJoanna Moncrief (Flint Books) Joanna Moncrieff was a “precocious 14-year-old” when she went through…
Humanoid robot waltzes with the help of AI trained on human motion capture recordings Xuxin Cheng and Mazeyu Ji AI that helps humanoid robots mirror human…
new glen explodes blue origin Blue Origin's reusable New Glenn rocket successfully launched and reached orbit, but engineers were unable to safely land the first stage…
Fog consists of water vapor molecules that float as tiny water droplets in the air but remain near the ground. Essentially, fog is a cloud touching…
Holly is a staff writer for BBC Science Focus, responsible for the popular Q&A section. She has an MSc (Special Award) in Earth Sciences (Space and…
When it comes to spicy food, the effect can vary depending on the type of pepper and the individual. For most people, capsaicin, the active compound…
Paleoanthropologists have characterized the properties of rough stone materials selected and used by early Pleistocene tool makers at Acheulean sites on the Ethiopian plateau between 16…
WASP-132 is a unique multiplanet system in that both the inner rocky planet and the newly discovered outer giant planet are in a system that includes…
A stone tablet with a sun motif discovered on the Danish island of BornholmAntiquity Publications/John Lee, National Museum of Denmark Hundreds of mysterious carved “sun stones”…
Controlling octopus motion is a very complex issue. Each of its eight arms is a muscular hydrostat, a soft-bodied structure without a rigid skeleton that moves…
Researchers have identified numerous instances of snow leopards dispersing from the Tibetan Plateau.
of snow leopard (panthera uncia) It is a large cat endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas. How this apex predator gradually adapted to its…
Fossil fuels currently support the shipping industrySven Hansche/Shutterstock Switching from burning fossil fuels to burning ammonia is a promising way for the shipping industry to reduce…
The primary purpose of the pink dye is simply to allow firefighters and pilots to accurately create and identify lines of flame retardant. “Essentially, this allows…
At the end of October 2024, gray darkness descended on the British Isles. There's nothing unusual there. But this veil of ambiguity remained particularly persistent even…
Alexander Pohl/Sipa USA/Alamy If ever there was a wake-up call, this is it. The fire alarm is going off – no, the fire alarm is going…
Late Iron Age Durotrigan burial at Winterbourne Kingston, Dorset, England bournemouth university Genetic analysis of people buried in a 2,000-year-old cemetery in southern England supports the…
Wolf Rayet 140 (also known as WR 140 or HD 193793) is a system of two massive stars located approximately 5,000 light-years away in the constellation…
analysis and technology Chinese social media apps Red Note and Lemon8 have become popular alternatives for TikTok users ahead of TikTok's ban by the US government.…
Like other planets, Mercury is a world of extremes, but not necessarily in meaningful ways. Its iron core is inexplicably and inexplicably huge. Despite the scorching…
Golden oyster mushrooms growing on fallen logs in Iowa Katie Flenker / Alamy Eating golden oyster mushrooms regularly protected heart health and promoted longevity in mice.…
Impression of neutron star ASKAP J1839-0756 emitting radio waves from its magnetic pole james josephides The collapse of a star some 13,000 light-years away is so…
action potential: A brief change in electrical potential on the surface of cells, particularly nerve cells and muscle cells, triggered by stimulation, leading to the release…
We are constantly detecting lies in our daily interactions. This could be a change in our partner’s tone of voice indicating hidden emotions, a child repeatedly…
To study the history of migration and movement in the Ukrainian region, with a particular focus on Iron Age and Medieval migrant populations, the scientists generated…
The Paleolithic rock shelter at Segonyol 3 in the Paris Basin contains a miniature representation of the surrounding landscape, according to a team of archaeologists from…
Measuring body fat more carefully may help treat obesityHalf Point/Getty Images Rethinking how obesity is defined could help millions of people around the world, claims a…
Songbirds such as canaries were among the most popular wild imports hanif66 via Shutterstock Nearly 3 billion plants and animals have been imported into the United…
The commencement of the new year for lunar exploration is set to take place early Wednesday, as two robotic landers and a small rover are poised…
In new research Published in Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, researchers from Borås University, Lund University, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences found a total…
Proper sequencing of lasers allows qubits to be grouped into perfect grids. luchschenF/Shutterstock Artificial intelligence could play a role in building the next big quantum computer.…
Astronomers have long believed that Jupiter's upper clouds, which form the planet's iconic light brown bands, are made of frozen ammonia. But new research shows that…
In 2018, astronomers discovered that the corona of 1ES 1927+654, an actively accreting black hole with 1.4 million solar masses located in a galaxy some 270…
An archaeologist from Oxford Cotswold Archeology (OCA) has made an exciting discovery of 321 11th-century AD silver coins (319 full pennies and 2 cut halfpence) in…
“I achieved 40 seconds of uninterrupted concentration.” Apparently, this is cause for celebration. For the past 10 minutes, I've been staring at my phone, trying to…
Head of Batinomus Vaderi, Newly named marine isopod Nguyen Thanh Son A new species of large crustacean found off the coast of Vietnam has been named…
Artist’s impression of the Blue Ghost’s moon landingfirefly aerospace In a sign of increased commercial activity on the moon, two private spacecraft aiming to land on…
advertisement: A shortened term for advertisement, which can be found in print, online, or broadcast media to promote a product, idea, or perspective to someone. addiction:…