I've seen my future and it's full of beans, both literally and figuratively. In addition to increasing the amount of beans, eat a lot of vegetables, no meat, avoid long periods of hunger and almost no alcohol. But in return for this dietary discipline, my future will also be longer and brighter. I'm 52 years old and can expect to live another 29 years with my current diet. But if I change now, I can earn another 10 years and live a healthy life until I'm 90.
This “longevity diet” is not just the latest fad, but the result of scientific research that extends beyond the human lifespan. And it's not just designed to prevent disease, it's actually designed to slow the aging process – that's the claim, anyway.
Of course, it makes sense to say that your diet can change your lifespan. Millions of people around the world still die prematurely each year due to lack of calories and nutrients. On the other hand, the estimate is 11 million people die every year from too many calories And the wrong kind of nutrients. Unnecessary ridicule inevitably leads to obesity and its obesity. cardiovascular diseasediabetes and cancer. The typical Western diet is high in sugar, refined starches, saturated fat, and low in whole foods, which can hinder your metabolism and make injuries even worse. This includes excessive release of insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar levels and directly affects aging. Suffice it to say that the Western diet is not pushing the longevity levers in the right direction. But is it really possible to dig yourself into a later grave?…
Article modified on June 29, 2022
Revised step 5 of longevity diet.
Article modified on July 20, 2022
Fixed the main target of amino acid restriction.
Source: www.newscientist.com