chemicals: A substance formed when two or more atoms combine (combine) in a certain proportion and structure. For example, water is a chemical produced when two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom.Its chemical formula is H2O. Chemistry can also be used as an adjective to describe the properties of materials that result from various reactions between different compounds.
climate: In general, weather conditions that normally exist in an area or over a long period of time.
climate change: Significant long-term changes in Earth’s climate. It can occur naturally or in response to human activities such as burning fossil fuels or deforestation.
concentration: (in chemistry) A measurement that shows how much one substance is dissolved in another substance.
condense: To become thicker or denser, or to distill the essence of something. This can occur, for example, when water evaporates from a liquid. Condensation can also mean changing from a gas or vapor to a liquid. (This can occur when water molecules in the air combine into water droplets.)
crops: (in agriculture) a type of plant that is intentionally cultivated and cultivated by farmers, such as corn, coffee, and tomatoes. Alternatively, the term may be applied to the part of a plant that is harvested and sold by a farmer.
disk: A round, flat, and usually fairly thin object.
drought: Abnormally low rainfall for a long period of time. Water shortage due to this.
engineer: A person who uses science and mathematics to solve problems. As a verb, “engineering” means to design a device, material, or process that solves some problem or unmet need.
freshwater: A noun or adjective that describes a body of water with very low salinity. This is the type of water used for drinking water and as the constituent water of most inland lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and groundwater.
gel: A sticky or viscous substance that flows like a thick liquid.
greenhouse: A light-filled structure in which windows function as walls and ceilings, and plants can be grown within them. It provides a controlled environment where set amounts of water, humidity and nutrients can be applied to prevent pest infestation.
humidity: A measure of the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. (A state in which the air contains a lot of water vapor is called “humid air.”)
hydrogel: “Smart” polymer-based materials that can change their structure depending on the environment, such as local temperature, pH, salinity or water concentration. The polymers that make up hydrogels have protruding edges that attract water. These edges help the hydrogel adsorb water molecules. Some hydrogels are used in baby diapers to retain urine. Some are added to potting soil to hold water near the plants until needed. Additionally, it may be used as part of a wound dressing to prevent the wound from drying out.
irrigation: Water supplied by artificial means (pipes, canals, sprinklers, etc.) to aid plant growth during dry periods.
lithium: Soft silver metallic material. It is the lightest of all metals and highly reactive. It is used in batteries, ceramics, etc.
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering: A person trained in a field of research that uses physics to study motion and the properties of materials to design, build, and test devices.
molecule: An electrically neutral group of atoms that represents the smallest possible amount of a compound. Molecules can be made up of a single type of atom or different types of atoms. For example, oxygen in air has two oxygen atoms (O2) However, water has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2oh).
motor: A device that converts electricity into mechanical motion.
polymer: A substance made from long chains of repeating groups of atoms. Polymers produced include nylon, polyvinyl chloride (better known as PVC), and many types of plastics. Natural polymers include rubber, silk, and cellulose (found in plants and used to make paper, for example).
range: the total extent or distribution of something. For example, a plant or animal’s habitat is the area in which it naturally occurs. (in mathematics or measurement) a range over which a value varies (such as from the highest temperature to the lowest temperature). Also, the distance something can reach or be perceived.
salt: A compound made by combining an acid and a base (this reaction also produces water). The sea contains a variety of salts, collectively called “sea salt.” Common table salt is made up of sodium and chlorine.
Singapore: An island country located at the tip of Malaysia in Southeast Asia. Once a British colony, it became an independent nation in 1965. The approximately 55 islands (Singapore is the largest) have an area of ​​approximately 687 square kilometers (265 square miles) and are home to more than 5.3 million people.
Sun: It has to do with the sun or the radiation it comes from solMeans sun in Latin.
water vapor: Water in a gaseous state that can float in the air.