Franconia trumpet player
Louisa Maria Stinger
The photographer Louisa Maria Stanho captures the diversity of “fancy pigeons”, which is strange, beautiful, and sometimes comical.

Denmark Subian
Louisa Maria Stinger
The very slander pigeons, which are ubiquitous in cities around the world, are actually the descendants of pigeons that have been escaped and released, and the pigeons are wild. It was raised from Kawarabat.Colnbabi Rivia)

Jacoban school
Louisa Maria Stinger
Currently, pigeons have been selectively selected by humans, showing surprisingly diverse shapes and colors, as well as 1,100 varieties. Even Charles Darwin was known for raising the bird. About the origin of the species Many mentions have been made.

Ginpel pigeon or archangel pigeon
Louisa Maria Stinger
Currently, Stanho is responsible for recording the most rare one in this kind without any pleasure. “I don’t have a favorite pigeon. Because every pigeon is very beautiful,” she says. “I think pigeons have their own personality.”

Old Netherlands Omakizal
Louisa Maria Stinger
The names given to these varieties are as fancy as their appearance. Starting with the main image, from the top, Franken’s trumpet player with wings-like souvenirs, Denmark’s Subian, Jacobang, Gymph, Archangel, and the old Dutch Omakizal.