average: Term (in science) for arithmetic mean. The sum of a number group divided by the size of the group.
environment: The sum of everything that exists around an organism, or the processes and conditions produced by those things. Environment can also refer to the weather or ecosystem in which an animal lives, or the temperature and humidity (or the placement of objects near the item of interest).
innovation: (v. to innovate; adj. innovative) an adaptation or improvement to an existing idea, process, or product that is new, clever, more effective, or more practical.
mass: A number that indicates how much an object resists acceleration and deceleration. Basically, it is a measure of how much material an object is made of.
materials scientist: Researchers who study how the atomic and molecular structure of a material is related to its overall properties. Materials scientists can design new materials or analyze existing materials. Analyzing a material's overall properties, such as density, strength, and melting point, helps engineers and other researchers select the best material for new applications.
sensor: A device that captures and stores or broadcasts information about physical or chemical conditions such as temperature, pressure, salinity, humidity, pH, light intensity, and radiation. Scientists and engineers often rely on sensors to tell them about conditions that can change over time or that exist far from where researchers can directly measure them. (in biology) structures used by living organisms to sense attributes of their environment, such as heat, wind, chemicals, moisture, trauma, or attack by predators.
spectrum: (plural: spectra) A series of related things that occur in a certain order.
system: A network of parts that work together to accomplish some function. For example, blood, blood vessels, and the heart are the main components of the human body's circulatory system. Similarly, trains, platforms, tracks, road signals, and elevated tracks are among the potential components of a country's railway system. Systems can also apply to processes and ideas that are part of a method or ordered sequence of steps for completing a task.
heat: of or relating to heat.
ventilation: A system of supplying fresh air to a room, or a process of moving air around and between different rooms.
Source: www.snexplores.org